Chapter 7: Reality Overload

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The next morning, Kimberly woke up and just left out the door with a breakfast bar, she didn't bother to fix her her or even check if her clothes were stain-free. After yesterday's events and what happened last night, she didn't really have the energy to care about anything anymore. When she arrived in the studio, she sat down said"Paperwork" and started her work all without eye contact or anything. Wyatt immediately noticed the bags, and how un-kept she looked today, but thought this was one of her gimmicks until he saw the lifelessness in her eyes as she glanced over to hand him her comments on his future ideas for the chapters.

He looked at her and said"Are you OK?" to which she nodded her head and pointed to the door before leaving. The next few days, she didn't answer her phone or show up for work and she didn't notify him of anything coming up so it was rather worrying to him. Thinking that she had quit or something, he called Molly and told her about the situation which surprised her. Before hanging up she told him that they would get to the bottom of it but for now Diego would be his editor until the issue has been resolved.

Later that day, Molly called back in an aggravated tone and said" Mr. Carson, she has taken Paid time off, which is unusual since she loves her tell me, what was it that happened between you two that made her not want to show up for work huh?" Wyatt stuttered before Molly spoke up and said"You can tell me or I can ask Mrs. Reiss exactly what happened...either way I'll find out". He sighed and told her everything, expecting to be hollered at but instead, Molly said"That is a serious violation of your contract Mr. Carson and I literally should report this immediately and have you expunged but considering the circumstances, I'll let it slide if you go apologize to her and she accepts it however, the next time this happens you will be reported and face full consequences".

Wyatt sighed a breath of relief before saying, wait- how will I apologize if her phone is off and she's nowhere to be found".Molly said" She answered me no problem and told me where she was but she did sound off or maybe she was just sleepy. Molly giggled and said" And as for the apology; you're not texting her, oh're going to go over to her house and apologize to her like a real man and makeup for the sake of this partnership and if I hear anything else happened then that's it for both of you, end of discussion". Before he could say anything else, molly cut him off and said, "I'm texting you her address, make it right, and I will be calling her later afterward, bye".

Wyatt sighed as he opened his texts and entered the address in his GPS as he walked into the house to grab his keys. He already was going to apologize but something about being forced to like a kindergartner upset him. The drive took him 20 minutes and when he got there, he gasped at how considerably nice the apartment complex was. It was surrounded by beautiful gardens He parked in the lot, walked to the outside elevator, took it to the second floor, and walked down the outdoor walkway until he saw "2G" written on the door and proceeded to knock. He waited as he heard footsteps and then a huge "thud" and then silence. Concerned that she was hurt, He tried the handle which turned, allowing him access into her apartment.

As he stepped in, he found himself looking into a pigsty of a mess but he threw that on the back burner and scurried over to the potentially lifeless body that lay in front of her. He reached over and checked her breathing; she was breathing but it was shallow, so he tried shaking her needless to say, she was unresponsive. He quickly pulled out his phone and called 911 to which an operator immediately answered with"911 what's your emergency?". Wyatt composed himself and said"I'm at my coworker's house and I heard a thud from outside and I rushed in and she's on the floor unconscious, her breathing is shallow and it feels as if she barely has a pulse ma'am...I need paramedics". 

The operator said"What's the address? and he said" 1223 Wood Crest Lane apt 2G building 1 ma'am". The operator said"Okay, they'll be there in less than 10, just watch her pulse and stay on the line with me".Wyatt did as instructed but he was starting to lose his composure, he began thinking to himself, "I dislike her but I didn't wish for her to die...lord if your out there watching, please let her live...please!" Despite his anxiety about it, Kimberly's pulse held firm until the Paramedics arrived and injected her with epinephrine to temporarily bring her blood pressure up until they could reach the hospital. 

Upon arrival at the hospital, the paramedic had determined that she was displaying symptoms of overdose, despite Wyatt's protests to the findings and telling them she would never. They wheeled her back and told Wyatt to wait out in the waiting room and that he would be kept up to date. As he waited, he contemplated calling her coworkers but he decided against it because he knew if word got out that she did drugs, she would most definitely lose her job and everything she worked for and he did not want that for her. He just wanted to know what hurt her so much that she turned to drugs and attempted to end her life.

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