Chapter 14: Tricky Feelings

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Kimberly pulled him with all her might and got him onto the couch. Seeing that he was sweating, she took off his shirt while doing her best not to be hypnotized and turned the air on. This was her first time being in his house and it felt kind of weird and cozy at the same time. Now that she had taken care of him, she needed to find some clothes to put on before he wakes up but she didn't exactly know where his bedroom was in this two-story mega house of his. After moments of contemplating, she decided to go upstairs first and check each room but as luck would have it there were only 3 rooms upstairs anyway.

One was an office, the other had a giant tablet with unfinished paintings so the last one, which was at the end of the hall, had to be his bedroom. After cracking the door and peeping in, she confirmed it was his room. Just like her, he had beautiful, modern furniture that was also black but what blew her away was the beautiful depiction of a sunset on a beach, that was painted on the walls in his room. You could tell it was homemade, by the brush strokes and mild imperfections in some areas but nonetheless, it was amazing.

As she stepped further into the room and inhaled the scent he had left, her heart began to throb and her legs began to give. It all felt like a dream...she was actually standing in Wyatt's room and about to wear his clothes. Fighting her desires, she walked over to his closet and grabbed an old dingy shirt and grabbed a pair of boxers from his dresser. As she held the clothes in her hands, her arms trembled...she couldn't believe she was doing this, it felt weirdly satisfying, like wearing his clothes would make her become one with him or something.

She quickly removes her robe and puts them on before falling to her knees afterward. As if the situation wasn't any weirder, her feelings finally hit her and she could finally pinpoint what all of this was, why she was acting weird, and what that warm feeling was. She was in love with Wyatt, and she's been in love, matter of fact she never fell out of love with him, she just went to therapy to bury the feelings but they never truly dissipated. Deep down she always kept hope that she would see him again and make it right and at least tell him how she felt so she could truly be free.

Tears threatened to trickle down her cheeks but she managed to fight them back. She said to herself "No, I'm not going down without a fight, I'll win him over, I'll bide my time and then I will tell him everything! I'm tired of running, tired of living in that bastard's shadow, it's time to break out and live under the sun".With that bit of rhetoric, she headed back downstairs to wait for him to wake up so she could apologize to him again. Eventually 8 pm drug into 9 then 10 and soon enough it was midnight and he had still not waken up. In fact, he was now snoring and had his arm hanging off the couch so that was good to her...she knew he was okay, just very tired.

She covered him up, propped a pillow under his head, and pushed him back onto the couch before heading upstairs. When she got there, she stood there staring at his bed, wondering if she could really do this. She sighed and said to herself"I mean I do need somewhere to sleep and he took the couch and I don't see any guest rooms so". Although she was nervous, she climbed into his bed wrapped the covers around herself, and closed her eyes. His bed was very comfy and warm and it also held his scent, which comforted her. Within a few minutes, she found her eyelids sticky and she dozed off into a peaceful sleep, the most peaceful one she had since he was with her.

The next morning, Wyatt sprang awake, very confused. He had remembered driving home and walking in the door but he didn't remember anything else. He laid there for a few minutes as his brain warmed up and everything came flooding back to him and when it did, he wasted no time getting up. He quickly headed up to the bathroom, wondering if she had fallen asleep in the tub again but thankfully she wasn't there. He checked all the rooms on the first floor before heading upstairs to his bedroom. When he got there, he peeked into the room and the sight made him smile. There lay Kimberly in his bed, fast asleep with a smile on her face.

His heart began to beat fast as he stared at this sleeping beauty, lying there peacefully, despite being potentially homeless now. There was something about her, that emanated warmth and peace and Wyatt could feel it in his heart as he stood there. He knew it had to her because it only happens when she's around and like last time, it confused him yet again. Just why did a girl that hurt him way back, now be the one that makes his cheeks red and his body feel all warm and fuzzy when she's near? Why was he so happy that she was around again when he was the one who ghosted her? It just didn't add up to him.

He shook his head and continued to smile at her for a bit longer before walking off. He was definitely going to yell at her later. In fact, she knew he was when she sobered up but that didn't matter. They were together again and she was safe and sound and that's all that mattered at the moment.

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