Chapter 25: Late Realizations

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After Wyatt hung up the phone, he sat it down and went to go watch TV. It had now been 7 hours since Kimberly had left and things had already felt weird. The house was dead quiet and boring which is what Wyatt liked so why now does it feel so dreary and miserable? That is what he likes and how he's lived up until a few months ago. With his head hurting from all these questions he could seem to answer yet, he decided to go to bed early and solve it in the morning. As he walked upstairs and climbed into bed, the answer hit him; it was Kimberly...not only did her change her but she unknowingly changed him as well. Despite feeling lonely and missing her, Wyatt gently fell asleep with a smile on his face, unaware of the weirdness to come.

[Dream sequence]

Wyatt was sitting in his office outback in the studio when he heard a knock at the door. He said come in" just as the handle turned and Kimberly walked in. She walked over and sat in his lap and wrapped her arms around him. He said"You had a bad dream didn't you?" and she nodded as tears rolled down her cheeks. He held her until she regained her composure before letting her go and getting back to work with her still clinging onto him. He was interrupted by one of her hands reaching up and cupping his cheek, forcing him to face her. She looked deep into his eyes as he did the same to her. She pulled him into a kiss before breaking away and removing his shirt and then hers and just before she reached for his manhood, Wyatt darted awake in his bed it was 5 a.m. and he was wide awake. In truth, he loved that dream and wished it had lasted longer.

[End of dream]

Even though it wasn't real, the feel of her body against his and her lips on his just felt so amazing, it overloaded him. He knew it was wrong but he didn't care, he wanted to feel her love, he wanted to be close and intertwined with her like never before. As he sat up watching his favorite show, he knew that before she got home, he needed to man up and get to the bottom of all this and say once and for all how he truly feels and go from there. 

The next couple of days were absolutely the longest for both Wyatt and Kimberly. Although the family finally got off her case, she had to deal with them trying to kiss up to her and apologize. As far as Kimberly was concerned, she didn't care and wanted no part of whatever they had to say. She firmly believed that if they couldn't believe her in the beginning then they have no right to try and make up with her and apologize". They were only apologizing to absolve themselves of having any part of this mess but it's not gonna work like that. They played a major role and didn't even bother to see her side and that made them just as guilty. 

As for Wyatt, he had spent the 2 days contemplating about how he felt, and what he realized, blew his mind. Over and over again his mind rifled through all the memories he had made with her. He remembered how she smiled when they went swimming, how she screamed when she had to grab a worm and put it on the fishing hook, and how she would she would smile and type at away at her guy-on-guy smut on the studio computer. The fondest memory he had so far with her was when they went to the writer's convention and they dressed up as the characters from dream detectives and signed books together. Ever since she moved in, life has been a blast and she's been a lot happier and despite their subtle differences they get along quite well he thought to himself.

After Wyatt ran through his thoughts all over again, It hit him and when it did he felt dumb for not realizing it sooner. He fell to his knees, eyes wide open tears pouring down his cheeks, and said "Oh, I get it now...I'm in love with her...Have been all along".When he finally admitted it to himself, everything made sense now. He was never lusting over her and his feelings were not temporary. He genuinely loved everything about her from her childish mannerisms to the way she's always trying to do well but ends up failing sometimes but always tries even harder next time. He admires how strong she has become and how independent she is and how passionate she is about everything she does, especially her cooking. Wherever Kimberly goes she spreads this atmosphere of cheerfulness and eccentricity and passion.

She did the day they re-met again whilst she was in the midst of her own messes and it's gotten nothing but stronger even now. After he sat there connecting the dots with every single bubble in his head, he knew that he obviously had to do something about it. He decided in that moment that as soon as she got back he was going to deal with the aftermath of this and then find the right time to tell her how feels and if it turns out he's years too late then he'll work from there and figure out something.

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