Chapter 15: Past Progression

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An hour after Wyatt woke up, Kimberly finally awoke and headed downstairs to find an empty couch and a mouth-watering aroma emanating from the kitchen. As she walked into the kitchen, she saw Wyatt in a cooking apron,cooking what looked like a burrito. Compared to her kitchen, his was way bigger and looked to be more state-of-the-art. He had two in-wall ovens, and stove top island in the middle, marble counter tops a beautiful breakfast nook in the corner, and one of the biggest microwaves she had ever seen. Unlike the rest of his house, the walls were painted plain white, the floor was laminated oak wood tiling and the appliances were silver while the cabinets were mahogany.

As she walked further into the kitchen, Wyatt finally noticed her and turned around. He froze immediately, his brain overloaded as he kept staring at her. She began to blush before pointing the skillet behind him, snapping him out of it. He quickly turned around, took the wrap out, and put the next one in so he didn't have to turn back around and reveal his beet-red face. The reason he froze up was not out of fear but rather out of intense emotions. He was feeling that warm fuzzy feeling in his heart, it was beating fast too and he kept thinking about how cute she was, wearing his clothes.

It was cute and for a moment it looked almost like she was his girlfriend with the way she was smiling and proudly wearing these clothes that gobbled her up. She broke the awkwardness and said what's that you're making, it smells so good". He said"They're egg and bacon breakfast wraps with a side of hash browns and rice, they'll be done in a minute so sit at the table. After a few minutes, he brought two plates over with the wraps with a mini bowl of rice on them. He walked back over and grabbed the plate of hash browns and two bottles of orange juice before sitting down next to her. 

The two ate their breakfast in silence, which bothered Kimberly, she felt like he was upset with her and trying hard to play it off. She quickly finished her plate and walked over to wash it but Wyatt still didn't say a single word. The truth was that Wyatt wasn't angry but rather he was trying to hold his composure from her cuteness. She walked back over and said, "I-I'm sorry about last night Wyatt, I feel like all I do is drag you down".I mean look at me, I couldn't even escape a fire without your help and that's something even a 1st grader knows how to do...I can't keep depending on you, not after everything I did, it just isn't right". Wyat smiles and says"I forgive you" She looks at him and says"Huh?".

He turns to face her, grabs her hands, and says " I forgive you, for everything". Kimberly teared up and said," W-why so sudden". Wyatt smiled and said," I realize now that mostly everything you did, was for a were trapped in a situation that you couldn't get out of and you had to do your best to survive". While you didn't make the smartest decisions, they still worked and you're here now, you're alive and still coping with the scars".Don't deny it, I saw how almost every night you had nightmares about it, I would hear you scream and beg for your life and toss and turn.

He sighed and said "Though I didn't want to admit it, the sight of that broke my heart so some of those nights I would quietly sit next to you with a cloth and wipe the sweat from your forehead, I heard it helps relax a person with sleep paralysis". I know what you did to me was terrible but hey I survived, I'm here and you're actually remorseful ab it". Kimberly said," H-how did you know how I really felt, this is our first time discussing what I did?". He smiled and said, "You really need to see a sleep doctor, you reenact more than just nightmares...I hear you calling me and saying sorry, please don't go away, please I'm sorry". That's when I knew but I guess my defensive side didn't want to believe it.

He looked her in the eyes and said "The truth was right in front of me but I let some old feelings cloud my judgement but not anymore...I trust you Kimberly and I want you to know that I was so angry back then because although I didn't know, I was in love with you". He blushed and said"But obviously both of us have moved on emotionally but still our friendship was amazing". Kimberly nodded and said"yep we both totally moved on, anyways since we're spilling beans, there's something I should tell you about that day".

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