Chapter 97

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Erika POV
My hand shook nervously watching Joe ring the door bell. "Mommy, you're shaking are you scared" Conrad asked looking up at me. I smiled shaking my head "I'm just really excited". "Me too" Conrad chirped. The door opened with my mom gasping . Her eyes went wide and tears welled looking at me.

She gulped looking to Joe "come in". I looked at my mother longing to hug her. Although we had our problems those issues are long gone. She gave me a bone crushing hug as Joe picked up Conrad. I cried into her shoulder regretting not telling them I was leaving. She let go side hugging me looking at Conrad with Joe.

"He looks just like you, Joseph" my mom whispered. "Thank you. I can't wait to have a little girl that looks like Erika" he smiled. My back shuddered and held a tight lip smile. "Let me hold my grandchild" my mother peeped. Conrad landed in her arms and she brought him into the living room.

My eyes went wide seeing my father with a cane. This was the man that went running every morning. Taught Taylor how to play basketball. "Dad" I whimpered. "Erika" he smiled. I slowly walked towards him my eyes not leaving his face. Only few inches apart my father taking the changes of effects of myself.

"I missed you" his voice cracked. He held out his arms and I softly gave him a hug. It was comforting, protective. It felt like I was back with Anthony. "Honey, come look at our grandson" my mother chirped. My father slowly walked with his Cain to my mother.
"What is your name" my father asked.

"Conrad Garrison" he answered. My smile falter and I looked at Joe. His jaw clenched and held a big smile looking at our son. "Conrad, Remember It's Lombardi" Joe corrected. Conrad nodded slowly and my father shook his head. My mother smile awkwardly "why don't sit now. Dinner should be ready soon".

We went into the dinning room that all still looked the same. We say down with Conrad and Joe on both sides of me. There was dead silence and I could feel the tension. "So, Joe how are your parents doing" My mother asked.
"As fine as can be" Joe said darkly. I gulped holding his thigh with a pleasing look.

"Hmm" my mother said quietly. "What you Erika have you....are you working somewhere differently now" my mother hinted. "No, she is not. I thought it was best for her to stay home and care for our son" Joe explained. "Like she had choice" my father sassed. "Dad" I said my eyes growing wide.

A maid came in "Mrs. Garrison your son and daughter". Taylor and Tyler came around the corner. I jumped up in shock. Both of them teared up their eyes never leaving as I can toward them. We hugged and cried for a while. It took my mother repeatedly asking "us to sit" before we did. I stared at my sister and brother across from me.

"Your hair" I mumbled. "Yea, Taylor wanted hers shortened and I want to grow mines" Tyler smiled. "Who's this handsome boy" Taylor asked. "My son Conrad" I smiled patting his head. "Your son" Tyler blinked. "He looks just like Joseph" Taylor said harshly. Her gazed to Joe then back to me.

"Yes, he does. I believe has Erika beautiful eyes" Joe smiled kissing the temple of my head. I cause see my family jaw tick. "Are you okay" my mother asked. The maids came in bringing our plates. Once they left my attention went to my mother. Why the hell would ask that. Especially in front of ....him.

"Why would she not be alright" Joe quilled. "Maybe because she's with someone that suffocates her" Taylor admitted. "Is that what you think"Joe asked holding his steak knife. "Why wouldn't we" Tyler scoffed. "You know I had my suspicions that is was your sister. But now think it's you" Joe said looking at him steak.

I helped Conrad with his food ignoring the vibe Joe is starting to give off. "Suspicions of what" my sister asked. "Well, my wife decided to leave me. That's why you couldn't see her all these years. I've been trying to figure out who exactly helped her. Cause she had enough money to stay away from me. Cheated on me with another man. I didn't even get to see the north of our child" he said darkly.

"My sister is smart she always does things on her own. You should know that" Taylor sang.
Joe tapped his finger on the table clinking his tongue. "You're right" he sighed sitting back in his chair. He threw his arm over my chair "I got my wife back a child. So, it doesn't matter who helped her" he smirked.

It was enough. My father stood up slamming his hand against the table. "You're smiling. Get your hands off my daughter" my father growled. My sibling stood up and my mother took Conrad away. "Where are you going with my son" Joe said harshly. I stood up shaking my head. "You're scaring Conrad" I pushed on Joe shoulder.

"Leave, never some back" Taylor ordered Joe.
Tyler moved me behind him glaring at Joe. Joe ran a hand through his hair tilting it while smile like a manic. "I'm not leaving here until I have my wife and son. And old man I've already put you in your place once. I can make it permanent this time"!

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