Chapter 82

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Erika POV
"Kara" he smiled. I was about to speak but his expression changed as he looked me over. "Are you a stalker" he asked with an arched brow. "No, I wanted to speak to the owner" I said with a cracked voice. "I'm the owner" he said leaning against the door more smoothly.

"Well, I need you to turn your music down. It's late and I need to sleep" I said tiredly. A woman that looked about sixty came from under his arm looking angry. "Mi, bebe quién está en la puerta" (My baby, who's at the door) the woman yelled. She looked at me "who are you black girl" she asked with an accent.

"I'm your new neighbor and I need you to turn the music down" I sassed. Not liking her commenting on my skin complexion."My son owns this home who do you think you are- ". Anthony pushed her back keeping me from hearing her. He pulled the door closer to his chest smiling with embarrassment. "I'm sorry, I will try to get them to cut it down" he said nicely. I smiled leaving when I heard Anthony yell. "Have a good night".

Next DAY
I sat up rubbing my eyes. At least I got a little sleep. I went to restroom realizing I had no facial items or food. I would have to find a job once the bond of money I had was gone. I went downstairs grabbing a couple of bills from the stack of money. I locked up the house and headed out.

As soon as I came outside I was met with Anthony sitting on his car. "KARA" I heard him yell. He followed me as I began to walk down the side walk. "Hey" Anthony smile. "Hi". "So, I'm guessing you got your well deserved rest since I brought the music down. We party almost every Friday so ...." I cut him off. "It's fine and thx".

"It's dangerous walking around here. Where you headed" he asked walking backwards. "The store" I answered clearly trying to stop him from talking to me. Anthony stood in front of me stopping me from walking. "Well I can give you a ride. I know where a good store is near here since you're new to town". "Thx" I said following him back to his car. Although I just met him I felt safe enough to get his car. Plus I was really hungry. I hoped in and he began to drive. It was a classy B.M.W car black with shiny rims.

"So, if you have a car why did you take the bus" I asked. "Well I work in construction and we travel a lot. I'm a green freak so to save on gas. I take the bus on the days I work" he explained. "Oh" I nodded. "And sorry about my mom she gets fiery when talking to girls that I like. But in no way is me saying her comment wasn't out of line". I put my head down in embarrassment at the girls I like part.

"I hope she will get use to me since I will be your neighbor for the foreseeable future" I nervously played with my hands. I had t felt this warm feeling in my heard since Will. Anthony began to laugh loudly while parking in the store lot called Joe V's. "What" I asked with confused. "You talk like you're a rich heiress". I nervously laughed "my parents just talk like that. I learned it from them". "It's okay I like it. It's cute" he smiled.

It made my skin fluster with the compliment. We quickly got out and he grabbed a basket. Going into the store was a first for me. I didn't know how to cook nor what to get. I got some food that I thought would work and some essentials. Once I payed Anthony put the stuff into the car and told me to wait inside.

He got in and looked at me. "I'm guessing you don't know how to cook" he asked. "Why you say that". "Well you only grabbed for that might seem easy to cook and frozen stuff". "It's true. I don't know how to cook" I sighed holding my belly. "That's not good for your child" he said. My head snapped up at him and face in shock. "How?" I shrieked
"My sister was pregnant a year ago and she used to rub her belly a lot. She said pregnant women do it absentmindedly".

I nodded covering my mouth. "I didn't realize I do that already". "How far along are you if you don't mind me asking"? "Three months" I whispered. He gave me a comforting smile. "How about you come over my house for dinner. Have to feed the little nugget in your tummy as well" he said looking at my belly. "Are you sure, I don't want to intrude. I.. and your mom" I hesitated.

"Don't worry about my mom. Please come over" he whined. I laughed nodding my head. Anthony parked the car and brought in my groceries. I sighed sitting on the couch. Anthony smiled looking at me. "Come over at seven. I  promise you will love it". "Okay" I said nervously.

Anthony left and I locked the door. I turned on the tv thinking of today's events. Anthony was charismatic and funny. The protective feeling I felt when I was around Will. Comfort a word I haven't felt in a long while. Tears formed in my eyes and I began to sob. Why did things have to go so left?

Will Erika finally be happy? Can Erika trust Anthony? I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter! Please vote and comment!

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