Chapter 71

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Erika POV
Two days with being fed three meals a day and having to read a book that was so stupid it made my brain hurt.

Don't speak unless spoken to.
Your job is to make the man happy in bed.
If he angry help relax him.
Always be dolled up for your Don
Don't look another men in the eye that's not apart of the family.

I gagged at the thoughts of this book. I heard the door open and guards bringing someone else in. I looked at the person thrown in the cell beside me. The guards left and the light on next to my cell turned on. I gasped seeing Joe's aunt son sitting on floor. He had bruises on his body of which I could see.

"What did they do to you" I whispered. The child looked at me but stayed silent. He dusted his clothes and stood up. He came close to my side of the bars stucking his hand out. I began to cry feeling pity for the child. His face held no emotion as he wiped the tears from my face. "Dont cry this happens all the time. I'm fine. I've had worse injuries than this" he spoke softly.

"Youre just a child you should be playing with your friends and watching cartoons" I cried. "Youre the first person to care about me" he said with a tight lip smile. I sat down on the floor as he laid on the ground. I stuck my hand through the bar rubbing his head.

Sleepy and tired I began humming a soft tune. The same tune my father sang to me. The boy had fallen asleep and so did I. I heard the door creak open making me open my eyes. Two guards came in unlocking the boy's cell. "No" I yelled. The boy woke up seeing the guards come in.

His face held no emotion again as they picked him up. They threw him on the ground making him cough from his injuries. Joe's grandmother came down the steps. "So, have you learned what a Donna is supposed to do" she glared holding her head up high ignoring the guards in the cell beside us.

"Do you see what you're doing to that child? They're beating the crap out of him. And you're worried about me knowing how to be a Donna" I scoffed. "Everyone has a part to play and my grandson has to be prepared. Right now he's too soft to be the next heir. Your child will be better 'cause we will teach them" she said while looking at the boy.

My nostrils flared as I continue to see them punch and kick on the boy. After a while I turned away not wanting to see it no longer however I could still hear the grunting and cracking of ribs. They left us in the cell leaving us alone again. His eyes were swollen and his bruises have turned yellow. My sobs rolled off of me as I looked at the unconscious boy in front of me. Something in me broke.

This would be my child if I stayed with Joe. I couldn't let this happen so I would be the perfect Donna. When we got back to New York I would leave. Four more days passed and Joe grandmother believed I changed. She let me out I took a shower. Put on the least reviling clothes I had.Which was Joe's t shirt and a pare of jeans.

When I came down to the dinner table I saw everyone there except for the child. He was still down there all alone. We ate dinner in silence with the sound of forks and knives clanking. Joe rushed me upstairs closing and locking the door. "I was going crazy not seeing you" Joe smiled wrapping his arm around my waist.

He hugged me tightly making my pelvis come in contact with his stomach. "Me too" I whispered. Joe began kissing my neck which made my body stiffen. I'm doing this for my child. I let my neck roll back giving him more access. We moved to the bed with Joe hovering over me.

"You know it's been a while since we-". I cut him off grasping his neck pulling his lips to mine. The quicker this started the faster it ended. Joe ravished my body till morning. He kissed my head and went to the shower. I sat on the bed wanting to gagg.

Semen pooling from my legs made me want to clean up. Joe came out the shower with a big glow to his body. "Why don't you clean up. I think it's time for you to experience Italy" Joe kissed my head. I nodded putting on a fake smile getting out of bed. I could feel Joe's burning gaze as the dribble of semen spilt on the floor as I walked.

I took a shower and came out quickly putting on my clothes. "Don't you look breathtaking mi amor"? Joe twirled me around and my dress frilled. "Let's go" Joe smiled going downstairs. We pass the bodyguards and headed into the SUV. "Where exactly are we going," I asked.
"It's a surprise," Joe said texting on his phone.

We arrived along the shore. We walked down to see a white yaut waiting for us. The water is beautiful and clear. "I know you love water so. Breakfast on the sea". I smiled looking at the boat. I went to the second level of the boat sitting in the booth. Joe slid in beside me throwing his arm around my seat.

Joe snapped his fingers and a chef came out with our food. Another man came out with two champagne glasses and champagne. He sat the glasses down and tried pouring champagne drink. I put my hand over my cup stopping him. "I'm sorry, I'm pregnant. Could I get some water instead" I smiled. "Yes miss," the waiter said.

"Wait," Joe said making the waiter come
Back. He stood there shaking being close to Joe. "I thought I said no alcohol" Joe glared. "It's fine he made a mistake. I didn't drink it" I said patting Joe's chest. Joe looked away from me and back to the waiter.

He grabbed the glass smashing it on to the boy's head. I gasp as the boy fell to the ground. Two men came in looking around noticing the boy on the floor. "Take him out" Joe ordered. "What the hell" I yelled. "Language," Joe said while cutting up his food.

I huffed "Why in the world would you do that it was a simple mistake" I rolled my eyes. "No, when I order something it tends to be done. I ordered no alcohol to be served to you. However, these fucking imbeciles can't do that".

"Eat your food" he demeaned.

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