Chapter 24

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"Bloop. Incoming FaceTime with boyfriend"
I took one last sip of my milk and ran into my room. I answered the call on my iPad jumping into bed. "Hello, babe" Will smiled sitting at a table. "So how is it?Have you ate croissants in front of the Eiffel Tower and  laughed in French" I laughed. "No" he said with a arched brow.

"But I have went to a bakery and ate a long piece of bread". "Wow how weird but cool". "You know in Paris there all about romance. You better not be romanizing some other girl" I said glaring into the screen. "I like you too much to do that" he said while putting his hand  on the screen. I put my hand on the screen looking longing at him. "I miss you" he said. "I miss you too" I said. "So how is...".
."So how is work" I asked Will.

Rico POV
I sat next to the bed still looking at Joe. I sighed getting up going towards the door. Their were two of our men guarding our door. "At ease I told them so I could get through the door. I went down to the end of the hallway grabbing a drink. I sat down rubbing my head nervously.

"I should call Erica". "No you shouldn't" I heard my sister Kylie say. I stoop up surprised to see her. She had two guards beside her as she had a lunchbox in her hand. "You may go" she told them. She sat beside me holding my hand. "You shouldn't tell her. How will you explain how he got hurt. You know she doesn't know about this life. Joe wouldn't want you too" she said in a stern tone.

"You're right" I smiled sadly."Now you need to eat. I made you some beef tips with rice. You need to rest. I will stay here and watch Joe" she said with a sad smile. "I need to go check on Anna. Make sure she hasn't tried to escape". I stood up grabbing the lunch box. My sister stood up hugging me "He's gonna wake up".  "Hmm" I replied.

Kylie POV
I watch my brother leave and hed to Joe's room. I saw him on the bed. His tan skin was pale and his luscious lips were dry. I held his face sadly. "My love you need to wake up" I spoke softly. I sat in the chair holding his hand.
I have loved Joe since I was a kid. I am two years younger than Joe and my brother. So, Joe never noticed me. The only person he's always been obsessed with is Erica  and she never liked him. I loved him with all my heart. Since she doesn't know when he's like this I realize she doesn't  care about him. She's to weak to handle this life.

He will realize I'm the one for him.

Erika POV
Week later
Ever since Will's promotion I had been trying to work my hardest. Although I didn't get the promotion I wanted to try for the bonus at the end of the year. The worker with the most clients gets the bonus.

"You're working way to hard. You have eye bags and you've lost some weight" Luna said sadly. "I want that bonus. Also I've lost weight because I've been eating cereal and ramen for a week". "I know Joe usually cooks for you but you can't keep on like this. Tonight how about I cook dinner" she smiled with excitement.

"That sounds great" I smiled. "Perfect" Luna squealed. I went back to typing on my computer. After about an hour our manger appeared. Our manger only came out of his office unless he was firing someone or he had an announcement. He came walking down the aisle I was on. "Ms. Garrison can I speak to you in my office" he asked.

I turned around in my chair looking at Luna nervously as I followed our manger into his office. Once we were in I nervously stood in the middle of the room fiddling with my dress. "Close the door Ms. Garrison" my manger said while sitting down. I closed the door and sat down in front of his desk. "So, I've seen some of the growth of clients you've had this year and these weeks. Although William won the promotion there has been another opening.

"So, I recommend you and it was approved by the President. So if you accept we would like to send you to Paris to help with our other location". My breathed hitched. I was in shock. "Thank you, Thank you so much sir" I said shaking his hand. "I accept" I smiled. "The only thing is you have till the end of the week to move over there" my manger told me. "I will get my things in order".

I came out of his office going back to my seat. "So what happened" Luna asked. "I got a promotion" I smiled. We both held each others hands squealing.

"We have to celebrate" Luna said.

Kylie POV
I heard the sound of the door opening making my eyes open wide and me point my gun at the door. "Oh I'm so sorry Don" I stood up putting my gun back in my boot. The Don was in front of his wife who pushed him out of the way.

She ran over to Joe cradling his body in her arms. "My baby" she cried. The Don went over to her rubbing her back.

"Bring the doctor. NOW" Don yelled.

I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter. Please vote it encourages me to write more!

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