Chapter 78

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Erika POV
He began to close the door and I got up off the floor. "I hate you. I will never be truly yours you monster" I yelled as the door locked. I wiped the tears from my eyes feeling the sting sensation on my cheek. I grabbed a bag from the closet quickly packing clothes.

The door opened and I held the bag in fear. Maria the young maid came in and stopped looking at my bag. "Please don't say anything" I weeped. "You won't get far. All of the guards know your dress" she explained. Maria was one of the maids who had taken care of me while staying here. She would give me medicine for my injuries Joe would inflict on me. Over the month of me not talking. I used her to talk to Joe. She was also nicer than the other bat of a maid. Maria closed the door coming towards me. She began taking off her clothes but I stopped her in confusion.

" What are you doing" I asked? "Giving you my maids uniform. You can't take the bag, miss". "Why are you helping me". "You have a child and the way he treats you. I'm scared for you and your baby. I used to be pregnant but one of the guards took interest in me. He killed my husband and because of the stress. I miscarried" she began to cry.

I hugged her rubbing her back. Eventually she let me go and we changed dresses. "What will do? He will kill you when he finds you here and not me" I said near the door. "Don't worry about that. Just get out safely. Take the service door. There are no guards outside there. Here my car keys" she handed me.

"Thank much" I told her. She smiled and nodded. "Now go". I opened the door looking out of the hallway to see no one.I walked as normal as I could downstairs keeping my head down passing the guards. Once I got to the kitchen I paused hearing a voice. The old maid began to yell " everyone rush, rush. There are guests ready for there meals" she yelled. The kitchen went into a frenzy making it harder get to the door.

I moved passed the men with plates in their hands and women holding dirty dish buckets. I finally got through the door and into the parking lot. I keyed the car up and quickly went out of the gate. Luckily there was no guard posted inside the servants gate. I hit the gas putting as much miles behind me as I could. If I can at least get an hour head start I can make it.

It was night and it had started raining. "I promise we're gonna get away" I whispered thinking of my baby. My mind was on edge from trying the way back to the apartment. After an hour I was in the city with nightly traffic bumper to bumper stoping me. I would have to run to our loft. I got out the car leaving the engine running heading to our loft on feet. "I can't go back, I can't" I kept muttering to myself.

1 hour later
I huffed halfway to the loft. With every step I could feel felt freedom at the tip of my feet. I was soaked in maids outfit and some flats. When I got to the loft apartment I saw our doorman. If Joe asked him if I came here he would know. I took the freight workers back door and slipped through. I ran to the elevator going to our floor. The bell ding for the last floor and I looked at the cold apartment.

It once depth warmth was now gloomy.

I went into my room throwing things around to find the bag under my bed. I looked in it to find clothes. Stacks of money and a new ID. A different name and different hair color. I would have to buy some dye to match this. I quickly changed my clothes shivering and put on my converse.

I zipped up the bag putting it on my back. I went back down the elevator but stopped seeing a group of men in black. They talked to the doorman while I threw on my hood. I sat down on the bench with the group of women who were talking with one of another. I grabbed a magazine on the table in front of me covering my face. I pretend to read watching the group of men all go into the elevator.

I got up heading to the exit going down the back alley. I acted calm blending in with the rest of the walkers as passed up the black SUV relaxing with every step I took away.
Once I was far enough I called a taxi. It pulled in letting me get in. "Where to, young lady".

"The train station" I said looking back as he started driving . "I'm safe" I cried into my knee's.

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