Chapter 42

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Luna POV
"I'm worried. Her phone said disabled " I glanced at my phone. "When's the last time you talk to her". "Two days ago". Ana sat down putting the snacks on the table. "She should be fine. Joe wouldn't let anything happen " Ana held my hand.

I parked in front of the house entrance hopping out of the car. The butler followed behind me as I headed for my father's office. "Sir, sir, your mother has been looking for you" he gasped. "Tell her to wait" I looked at the butler that cowered at me.

I knocked on the door waiting for a response. "Come in" I heard him speak. I open the door closing it softly. "Son" my father questioned looking up at me and then at his desk. " I'm glad to see you're awake" he smiled.

"I am too Father. I was thinking Mom has been through a lot I think it's time for you and Mother to go on a vacation ". My father sat back in his seat sighing and glancing at me. "Your mother has been rather upset lately. Now that you're better I think it is a good time to get away but why are you so eager for us to leave" He put his hand on his chin.

"I'm ready to become Don. So, as a trial run I want you to leave it to me while you travel with Mother" I said sternly. "What about Erika" His eyes wavered. "I've given her up," I said with no emotion on my face. My father smiled with delight getting up and patting me on my back.

"We will leave in three days" my father smirked. My mother walked into the room looking viciously between my dad and me. "I hope what you did in Paris was important" my mother growled. My father looked at me with a questioning look.

"I set a meeting with a new arms dealer" I smiled. My father looked back at my mother grabbing her hand "How about we go on a trip" My father smiled gently at my mother. "Really" my mother looked at my father. "Of course, anywhere you want to go, my love," my father said while kissing Mother's hand.

She gasped chuckling at my father. My father grabbed her hand taking her away. I sat in the chair thinking they should be calling me anytime now and Erika will be back with me.

Erika POV
It had been a day. I hadn't eaten and my body felt weak. I heard the door unlock and a man came in with two plates. He kicked the plate from yesterday knocking the food onto the floor. "Don't fucking eat. We won't be bringing anything to you both within the next two days" he smirked.

Another man came in but he gave me a look like I was prey. "You're looking a bit thin, mama" He lifted my chin. "Leave her the fuck alone, dip shit" Will growled. Both of the men chuckled "Ohhh. So, scared. You've got some balls talking to me like that".

Our chains were loose and when the man was getting ready to kick Will. He tackled him. Will got onto him punching relentlessly. The guy stopped moving while the other guy through Will off the guy. The guy began kicking Will until I heard a loud crack.

Will began breathing heavily and I ran trying to pull the guy away. He grabbed me by the shoulder slapping me to the ground. "Little bitches need to know how to stay in their place" he smiled. His eyes looked hungry at me and he ran his tongue over his lip.

I tried crawling away but the guy pulled my leg back to him. He got on top of me unbuckling his belt. "All of the guys have been talking about our boss woman. Let's see how you taste". I tried pushing him off of me but he grabbed my hands holding them above my head.

I screamed crying as he took out his erection. He moved his dick close to my lips. I moved my head to the side trying to get away. "This way bitch" he said punching me in the stomach. I gasp from the pain making him shove his erection into my mouth.

"Yea, take it baby" he smiled. It began harder to breathe I tried moving my body but his weight made it hard for me to move. So, I opened my mouth wider and clenched down biting through his dick. "Aghhhhhh" he screamed falling to the side and holding his crotch.

I spat out the piece in my mouth making the blood spill over. Will stumbled over choking the man. The man tried scratching at Will but will continue squeezing. "Stop, Will" I whispered. Will came towards me hugging me as I cried.

How could... That... That man. Do that to me.
This is all Joseph's fault. I hate him.

"It's going to be okay" Will whispered as my body shook in his arms.

Luna POV
After, about an hour with Ana I went back home. I began to get anxious about Erika. I heard the door open and Marcus came in. "What's wrong," he asked sitting beside me. "Erika hasn't messaged me and I think something happened to her. Could you ask your brother" I glanced at him.

He held my face "Stop worrying, my brother would never let anything happen to Erika. Maybe she overslept and just missed your call".

Hope everyone enjoyed this chapter!

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