Chapter 74

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Erika POV
"Leave" Luna repeated. "I will leave then. I have to successfully escape. There was a boy in Italy and I've seen what will happen to my child. I won't let it happen. I can't" I explain trying to hold back tears.

"Your sister already packed money for you. Here" Luna said handing me a small burner phone. "This is to call her when you leave. She will tell you where she hid the money". I hid the phone in bra wiping a tear from my cheek. "You're the best you know that" I smiled. "I know. Just make sure you tell that little bean in there who there auntie Luna is" she grinned touching my belly.

"Of course and I will tell them all the crazy things you did". We both began to laugh but stopped hearing the door open . "Don't stop laughing on my account" Nini smiled with a platter in hand. She sat the platter with a teapot and tea cups. There were also scones and cookies.

"So, what were you two taking about" Nini questioned pouring the tea into our cups.
"Nothing much. Just about the party" Luna smiled. "Oh yes the ceremony party. It's a amazing thing. You say the oath becoming Donna and Don. It's a beautiful thing. It's like getting married all over again" Nini said with a forced smile.

Luna took a sip of her tea sighing relaxing more into the seat. "When. Is the ceremony" I asked. "In a months time. We needed to make sure all the families would come. This needed to happen as soon as possible". I nodded taking a sip of my tea as well. The door opened harshly making us look to the entrance.

Joe scowled looking over the place setting in front of him. His eyes flickered to me making me stifffen. Marcus came around Joe's shoulder with a smuggled grin. Marcus sat next to his mother grabbing a cookie. "Why don't you join us, Joseph" Nini smiled warmly patting the spot next to her.

Joe ignored her statement pulling me up from my chair. "What the hell" Luna stated as my cup slipped out of my hand. Tea and pieces of glass scattered across the floor. Joe continued dragging me up the stairs by my wrist.

He let got of my wrist once we were inside our bedroom. "Why did you do that? You made me break your mother's tea cup" I glared rubbing my wrist. "You will stay here until that bitch leaves. I don't like you with her. I never did. She's never liked me and I know she puts thought of you leaving me in your head".

"Don't call her that" I spat. I began laughing "you think it's her that puts those thoughts in my head. You killed the men I loved, raped me and threatened my family. So, any sane person would want to leave the person they hate. I . Hate. You" I smirked watching the hurt in his eyes.

Joe huffed clenching his fist. He stalked towards me making me back away slowly. He knocked me into the wall holding both sides of my face. "TAKE IT BACK.FUCKING TAKE IT BACK" he yelled in my face. I turned my face to the side not taking one look into those fierce eyes. "I fucking love you. You love me. Say it" he said in a dark tone.

With a shaky breath I looked into his eyes scared at the dark reflection of nothing. "I..-I . you" I cried. Joe smiled rubbing his face against my neck. I sucked a breath as of my tears dread ran down my face. I would leave this man if it was the last thing I do.

Erika had calm down from our previous argument. Luna and Marcus gone took the anxiety off my chest. I went over logs while Erika watched tv. This setting was perfect. It was like we were a normal couple. It was peaceful and quiet. Like the old times. I looked over at Erika who was entranced in a tv show. I smiled thinking how cute she looked wrapped in a blanket asleep.

I looked at my watch to see it was lunch time. I didn't want Erika missing any meals. I got up standing beside the bed. Erika looked at me and went back to the tv. "What do you want to eat? I will have the maid prepare whatever you may choose?" I questioned. Erika put her finger on her lips pondering. My eyes flickered to big soft delicate lips.

"I've been craving a hotdog. I've missed it since I couldn't go to my favorite stand" she frowned. Her cheeks puffed which made me smile. "I will be right back" I stated leaving the room heading downstairs. The guards nodding as I walked pass them into the kitchen.

A young maid turned around startled by my presence. "Don" she bowed. "I need two hot dogs. With chili and cheese. A cup of raspberry fruit punch. Bring it upstairs when finished" I ordered. She nodded turning around getting the meal started. I turned to see my father.

"Have you started on the preparations for the ceremony" my father asked. "Mother will be doing that. She dreamed of this god for sake ceremony since I was born" I sighed. "Hmm. Seeing over Erika I could see she still needs more training before the ceremony next month. She needs to be on her best behavior. I know she has a wild spirit but there's no telling what your grandfather might do if things go wrong".

I slanted my eyes huffing. "If you think he will lay a hand on my wife he must be mistaken, I will handle my own wife" I spat. I walked away going back upstairs. I collided with the door turning to Erika who looked at me weirdly.

"What's wrong" she questioned in a worried voice.

What will happen next?

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