Chapter 12

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Erika POV
Once we we're all on the four-wheelers we began following Marcus. I felt the wind on my face as the four-wheeler began rolling threw the thick snow. I laid my face on Will's back holding on to his waist. We got to the top of the hill where we could see miles of snow and trees.

Once we got to the bottom of the heel we could see a bunch of people either going down a steep hill or people on chair lifts. We parked the four-wheelers in front of the lodge. Marcus went inside to get our passes while we all waited outside. "So do y'all know how to snowboard" Luna asked Timothy and Sarah.

"Yea, my family used to live down here. This is  where Timothy and I met" Sarah explained.

Will looked at me " You know how to snowboard right" he questioned. "No" I laughed. " Well, then I can teach you" Will smiled. "Just in time guys here are your passes. We will all meet back here at 7." Marcus said.

We all nodded while Marcus handed out our pass wristbands. Luna went off with Marcus while Timothy, and Sarah went inside the inn.
Will turned to me and smiled "So you ready."
We followed the signs to get our snowboarding gear. Once we got to one of the lodges for snowboarding we walked in.

I felt the warmth of their heater as soon as we walked in. There was snowboarding gear everywhere and in the middle was a pay desk with four workers. "Hello, do you both need help finding snowboarding gear" a lady with a manger clip asked. " Yes, she's never snow boarded so I was wondering if she could get the beginner board.

"Oh okay come with me." We followed the lady down an aisle for boards. Once we had finish we left with our gear. Will put on his gear and then he helped me put on mine. "First we're gonna start with just balancing you on the board." I stood on top of the board with my knees slightly Bent . I started wobbling  a couple of seconds until I fell off the board. I kept trying until I lasted for five minutes on the board. Will began clapping in encouragement earning a chuckle from me.

"Next we're going to practice standing and switching your legs so that you can turn directions. Let me show you." I was standing on the board while Will grabbed my hips. I could feel his body heating mines from the back. My heart thumped making me hope he couldn't hear. He started moving my hips from left to right to show me how to turn my board.

I began to blush and I looked down at my feet. Without realizing I began to slide forward and fell flat on my bottom. When I looked up while I was laid in the snow. I saw Will standing directly above me. We both started laughing and Will helped me up. I grabbed his hand and he pulled me tightly into him.

I wiped the snow from my butt while Will grabbed his board from a bench near us. " I don't think snowboarding is for you so, how about we try ice skating." he asked.

"I love it. I used to be an ice dancer when I was younger ." "Really" Will looked surprised. "Let's go," I said. I grabbed Will's hand and walked back over to give our snow gear back. Once we gave back all the gear we grabbed a map from the desk. It showed every spot on the resort. We found wear we could get ice skates and walked over to the building. We got our skates sitting down to put them on.

I stepped onto the ice first feeling the cold air. I breathed heavily remembering how it felt to skate across the ice. Will came onto the ice. His body was steady and we both started skating. It was fun. We both skated around while watching out for the kids and other people.

Will wanted to see me dance. I skated out into the middle of the ice rink and posed. I started just skating making loops and then I began turning. I could feel the speed at which I was spinning gracefully. Then I began skating backward leaping and doing other tricks. Once I was done everyone began clapping but the loudest person was  Will.

I skated back over to him shyly. He hugged me while looking at me with adoration. "You danced beautifully Erika" Will spoke in a low seductive voice. I began to blush. I pulled a strand behind my ear. "Thank you."

Once we finished skating we gave back our skates and went back to our meeting place. Making it back just on time at seven. Everyone was already on the four wheels when Will and I  walked up. We hurried to get on our four wheelers and drove back to the lodge.

How do we feel about Erica and Will's relationship? What do you think Joe is doing? Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please vote and comment!

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