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"Trisha aunty!" The way Subhashikta addressed Trisha was shocking for Parth, obviously

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"Trisha aunty!" The way Subhashikta addressed Trisha was shocking for Parth, obviously.

"Why did you address her as aunty?" He asked.

"Because, I am her Trisha aunty," to his surprise, Trisha didn't object being addressed as aunty.

Subhashikta ran to hug Trisha, but her hands just moved through Trisha's body as if she was existed in air only.

Parth and Subhashikta were exchanging the glances of curiosity. Some portion of that curiosity was answered yet they were confused with some portion.

"Aunty, is that any kind of illusion?" Subhashikta was hoping her assumption to be turned out wrong.

"No, Subha. Whatever you have experience was the truth. You can't hug me anymore, and I can't reciprocate your hug either. I am far away from your reach," Trisha admitted the truth that she didn't belong to mortal world anymore. She had a different world after her death.

Trisha wasn't a normal human. She was a spirit. Parth was more shocked than before thinking he had befriended with a spirit.

"How did this happen? Who was responsible for this?" Subhashikta was wondering about the counting of what she had lost in these years.

"The same man who had killed your father is my murderer too," Trisha's indication towards her killer brought back Subhashikta's anger. That person was none other than Dikarsh.

"What's all these happening? May I get the answers of my questions?" Parth couldn't stand silent anymore.

"I was a reporter in profession, and was assisting Nityank sir in his mission of revealing the truth of Dikarsh. I too was aware of Dikarsh's real identity. When Dikarsh came to know about us he became a threat to our lives, and finally we both had to lose our lives to our mission," Trisha started narrating. Her mind was roaming around those days of her life.

"All the proofs against Dikarsh is safe in my house. I had kept those at a secret place. Fortunately, Dikarsh couldn't get those till now," at the end of narration a smile of content curved on Trisha's lips.

"I had met aunty when she used to visit my house. That was why I recognised her," Subhashikta explained wiping out rest of curiosity from Parth's mind.

"Do you know future? If not, then how did you know that my friendship would lead you towards your goal?" Parth was unsure why Trisha befriended with him.

"No, I don't know future. On your 21st birthday you along with your brother had come to church, and you had prayed for solace of each wandering soul, right?" Trish reminded Parth day when they both met for the first time, and he nodded at her.

"After being killed I was buried in that church ground. As I was an orphan I had none to find me after my death and to pray for my solace even. That day when you had prayed for wandering souls I came in front of you just to thank you. That incident led me till this point. Friendships with you was totally unintentional, Parth!" Trisha's eyes shone with the same gratitude which her eyes had towards Parth on the day of their first meet.

Trisha's good way of being a third party among the lovers had been revealed which was a combination of shock and surprise.

"What if Dikarsh tries to harm our families? He won't spare Parth's family even," Subhashikta was trying hard not to imagine about the worst.

"Don't worry, Subha. I will take care of those father and son. They won't be able to harm any of your family members. My salvation will be possible only after Dikarsh gets punishment. So, I have to contribute in this case," of course, Trisha had enough of super natural powers to handle the evil duos.

The evilness of Dikarsh had lasted enough to lose itself to justice. Evilness is just like elastic which gets stretched only to be shattered.

"Parth, I need to reach home as soon as possible. You go, and collect the proofs from Trisha aunty's place," Subhashikta was concerned at the mention of her home.

"I can't let you go alone. I will inform everything to Krish and papa. They will collect the proofs, and will submit those in police station," Parth suggested.

"Let's leave for home, Parth. There's an imposter in home with whom my mother and sister aren't safe," Subhashikta took leave from Trisha along with Parth.

So readers, here's the next part

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So readers, here's the next part.

Now questions.

(1) Any fact did you like?

(2) Any gesture to be commented?

(3) Any guess or expectation for next?

LAXMIPATI SHRI NARAYAN, please accept the positivity of my this work as an offering to you in name of all wellbeing of my LIFELINE.




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