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The pain of love has a different shade when it gets painted on face

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The pain of love has a different shade when it gets painted on face. Affection shines more than agony in eyes when it gets moistened. Care sounds more than chaos of heart when voice comes out.

Parth was sitting lost in his thoughts, and the reason of being lost was the threat for normalcy of Subhashikta's life. She had gone through a lot of hardships in childhood which still had a heavy impact in her present life. If some heartbreaking secret about Smirti aunty comes out then Subhashikta has to suffer once again.

After passage of pretty long time,

"Parth, what's the issue with her?" Parth felt a hand on his shoulder.

"I have already shared everything with you, Buddy. I can't bear to see her sad," he didn't look back at the owner of that hand as only Krish was with him in room.

"So, my guess was correct. It's something about her," the known yet unexpected voice pulled Parth out of his thoughts.

"See before you speak, Buddy!" Krish scolded Parth as soon as he came back to reality.

"Papa, when did you come here? Is there any problem in business?" Parth was highly surprised noticing Pratikshit's presence in room.

"Really! Do I come to you both to seek advice whenever I face any problem in business. What a surprise! I don't know when you both are hired as my business adviser," Pratikshit let out a chuckle of mockery.

"You are already caught. Stop making lame excuses at least," Krish glared at Parth warning him not to worse the situation.

"Sorry, Papa. Actually, we can explain," Parth was scratching his forehead in embarrassment.

"That's what I want. Go ahead, please!" Pratikshit sat down on couch making the duo occupy both of his sides.

Parth and Krish started to narrate the whole matter starting from Parth's meeting with Subhashikta till the current issue about Smirti.

"So, you both are settled in your love life! That's great, my boys!" Pratikshit patted on his sons' shoulders.

"I have settled, recently. Buddy had been settled before me," Parth smiled presenting himself as innocent.

"It has been just seven months, Papa. He had been settled since school time," Krish indicated about Parth falling for Subhashikta at their first meet in inter school science exhibition.

"Stop quarreling! Did I scold you both for anything? Cool down, boys!" Pratikshit pulled the chain of banter.

"Aren't you mad with us?" Brothers asked, simultaneously.

"Obviously not, Children. Why will I be even? Do you think me as a typical father to create toughness in both of yours love life? I am extremely happy for both of you. Finding soulmate is one among the greatest achievements of life," Pratikshit stared at the duo with content.

"We love you, Papa!" Both hugged Pratikshit from both sides.

"You know, even I had confessed about my love to my papa at first," the flashback of happy memories filled Pratikshit's eyes, slightly.

"You are a great lover, Papa. I am amused how easily you have figured out the reason of my restlessness at first glance!"

"You are the best decision made by maa," Parth and Krish complimented, respectively.

"Thanks for the compliments. I hope I will get the chance to return your compliments the soonest," Pratikshit expressed his expectation of his sons being successful as soulmates of their respective partners.

"We will try our best, Papa!" The duo promised.

On the next day Subhashikta started to find Parth and Krish to share the secret she had discovered about Smirti. Krish informed her that Parth had gone back to home to bring the book they had to return in library.

Subhashikta could take that reason easily if an unknown voice didn't alert her about Parth's safety, repeatedly. It was not her inner voice. It was someone else's voice.

Giving up on her dilemma Subhashikta followed the instruction of that voice, and drove away from college on her scooter.

She stopped after crossing a certain distance. The sight in front of her had shaken all her senses, terribly.

It was gun on Parth's head.

So readers, here's the next part

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So readers, here's the next part.

Now questions.

(1) Any fact did you like here?

(2) Any gesture to be commented?

(3) Any guess or expectation for next?

LAXMIPATI SHRI NARAYAN, please accept the positivity of my this work as an offering to you in name of all wellbeing of my LIFELINE.




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