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No mystery is meant to be buried for forever

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No mystery is meant to be buried for forever. A moment comes when mystery has to come out to meet the present, because mystery can't move a long way taking the load of a huge time period.

When Smirti and Dikarsh were tensed on the both sides with their own reasons Subhashikta completed her exam seeking some air of relaxation for herself. After few more days Krish and Parth also completed their exams. So, there came a time of small celebration.

One night Krish and Parth came to Subhashikta's house as they had planned a movie night with their girl friends. After the duo arrived the plan was executed. Everyone was enjoying the romantic movie with chips and popcorns.

Suddenly at a point,

"Subhi, where are you going?" Parth caught Subhashikta's wrist when he sensed she was about slip away without anyone's notice.

"I want some ice cream. So, going down stairs," she smiled, sheepishly.

"Having ice cream in late night isn't good," with a glare of warning he looked at her.

"I will have a little, please!" she was so hard to be convinced once she made her mind for having ice cream.

"You stay here. I am going to bring ice cream for you, and you will have only that much amount which I bring you," he wasn't sure about her words. So, he decided to go himself.

"You will go!" She was expecting him to allow her.

"You mom and aunty are sleeping, right? I will go cautiously, and will come back quickly," assuring her he excused himself without any disturbance to others.

When he went downstairs a whisper caught his attention. Decreasing the pace of his steps he approached nearer to the whisper only to  find Smirti talking over phone.

"Why are you so insecure? Don't you trust me anymore? Subha doesn't know anything about the issue, and she's doing well without any kind of stress," even though she was talking in slow voice annoyance was all audible in her words.

After listening her many questions started to bud in Parth's mind. He didn't has time to spend with those questions at that time. So, he went to room where everyone was watching movie.

After going back home Parth shared the matter with Krish, and he advised Parth not to share the matter with Subhashikta without collecting any firm information. At that moment Parth just nodded at Krish in positive.

On the next day in college Parth actioned the exact opposite for which he was denied by Krish. He told everything to Subhashikta what he had heard in her house.

He was daring enough to overcome the fear of being misunderstood when her wellbeing was in danger, even if there was any doubt of danger.

"Krish had denied me to reveal all these, but I couldn't hold it more," Parth ended his confession up.

"Why so, Parth? Don't you have the fear of being misunderstood? Don't you have the fear of losing our love to misunderstanding?" Subhashikta wasn't mad at Parth as she had enough trust on him.

"Love isn't a bond to be broken. It's the bliss beyond each barrier. So, I don't have the fear of losing our love to misunderstanding. I can't let your safety be at risk in fear of being misunderstood near you," the selflessness of Parth's lover heart melted Subhashikta's emotions at the corner of her eyes.

"I love you, Parth. I am proud of the way you love me," she hugged him in the tears of joy.

"I love you too, Subhi. Be aware from each move around you," wrapping protective arms around her, he reciprocated her hug.

That day when Subhashikta reached at home she didn't find Smirti in the whole place. Taking advantage of the opportunity she barged into Smirti's room. That idea of barging into Smirti's room was influenced by the incident when Subhashikta had spotted Smirti and his father's photograph.

She thought to check Smirti's room for finding a clue. Opening the wardrobe Subhashikta was checking the stuff carefully. All of sudden she got some letters hidden in a small box. It was seeming like those were preserved safely as there was no sign of those letters being old with the passage of time.

With a mental note of pulling the action due to necessity of situation she convinced herself, and opened the letters to read.

She was shocked to no limits when she realised those were love letters written by Smirti to Nityank. She was out of breath after discovering her Smirti aunty was her father's ex.

In order to get convenient space for composing herself she kept the stuff back at their places, and left Smirti's room.

So readers, here's the next part

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So readers, here's the next part.

Now questions.

(1) Any fact did you like here?

(2) Any gesture to be commented?

(3) Any guess or expectation for next?

LAXMIPATI SHRI NARAYAN, please accept the positivity of my this work as an offering to you in name of all wellbeing of my LIFELINE.




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