Chapter 83 - Fire

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I went wide eyed at the sight of the old church that had been encased in glowing orange flames. The sound of small children screaming had echoed throughout the small green plain in which the church sat. Shouts from adults could be heard as they scrambled around the grassy area. I immediately assumed what had happened and that kids were trapped in the building.

"Jesus Christ." Dally muttered. I stood up from the car bench as we drove up to the spindly building, the screaming and shouting growing louder with every foot we drove. I narrowed my eyes as the sun shined brightly, ruining my vision. Shading my hand over my eyes, I focused closely on the disaster, watching fearfully as the flames grew larger and the building grew less stable.

"How'd that start?" Pony asked as we got close to the building. "How in the hell did whole fire start in the time we were gone?" I asked as the car came to a stop. As I finished my sentence Pony unexpectedly jumped out of the car and ran towards the frightened kids and adults. I looked to him confused. "Where the hell is he going?!" Dallas asked loudly with and annoyed tone of voice.

Shortly after, Johnny leapt out of the car, running to Ponyboy who was at the front of the church trying his best to look for a way in, trying to save the kids. "Shit." I said. "What the hells wrong with 'em?!" Dallas exclaimed, now standing up. I sighed as I hoped out of the car, intending to follow Johnny and Pony. "You too?!" Dallas yelled. "Why do I have to be like this?" I questioned myself as I caught up to Johnny at the front of the church.

"Help me lift this rock." Johnny demanded as he struggled to pick up a large rock. I bent down with no hesitation and helped him lift it. "One...two...." Johnny counted as we swung the rock back and forth, the rock gaining momentum with every movement we made. "Three!" He yelled. We both released the rock from our grip and it flew quickly into a boarded up window, breaking a hole through it.

Johnny and Pony immediately climbed through the hole and I waited, placing my hands on the broken boards. I looked back with hesitation and I saw Dallas sprinting towards us, shouting. "Hey! What's wrong with you?!" He yelled as I looked back to the hole. I sighed as I went through, immediately being surrounded by flames and smoke. "Hey!" Dallas's voice faded off as I followed Johnny and Pony through the destroyed building.

I coughed as the billowing smoke filled my lungs. Usually I enjoyed smoking but I didn't enjoy it this time, too much filled my body and there were no drugs, it sucked. I did my best to cover my mouth and nose as I navigated through the fiery surroundings, my body hot and my eyelids slowly getting heavier with every second we were in there.

"Is that guy coming?!" Pony yelled over the loud sound of fire and embers crackling and popping. "Nah man!" Johnny answered. "Why not?! Too scared?!" Pony asked as he made his way through collapsed ceiling rafters. "Nah man, too fat!" Johnny yelled back. I held in a laugh, making sure not to breathe in anymore smoke than I already had.

"Where are the kids?!" I asked as I crouched underneath broken beams that were ablaze. "I don't know, in the back I guess!" Pony replied. All of us coughed as we traversed through the flames and fallen boards, beams, and rafters, nearing the back of the church as quickly as possible.

We finally made it to the back and Pony forced open a door to a room, struggling to push it open because of debris which had fallen in front of it. I hunched over as he finally managed to open it, trying my best to stay conscious as I grew weary. I followed both of them into the room. Huddled up in the corner was a number of frightened children, all screaming loudly over the roar of crackling fire.

"I'll make an opening so we can feed 'em through!" I yelled as I walked towards another boarded up window. Johnny and Pony quickly began grabbing children, holding them by the armpits they waited anxiously for me to create a hole. Before I could do anything though, a hole was punched through the window from the other side. I stood back slightly as I watched a strong hand break through the window. When the window was finally broken I crept up to see Dallas, wide eyed and mad.

"Doll, are you ok?" He asked as he put his hand to my raggedy hair, taking strands and tucking them behind my ear. "Take the kids!" I demanded as I took a boy from Johnny and handed him to Dallas, ignoring his question. He rolled his eyes at me as he took the boy and set him to the ground. Immediately as the boy was set down he ran quickly to the adults and other children.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Dallas shouted as I handed him a small girl. I didn't answer and instead continued to hand him more kids. "Get the fuck outta there of your all gonna die!" He yelled as Johnny grabbed the last kid, a small little girl who looked as if she was gonna die of fear. "One more and we'll be out!" I yelled back as Pony climbed through the window. "Well then hurry up damnit!" Dallas complained. "You don't think we're tryin'?!" I argued.

Johnny walked over with the girl and handed her to me. "Ow!" I yelled as she bit me. Trying my best not to acknowledge the fact that she had bit me, I ran quickly to the opening and immediately handed her to Dallas. "Is that the last of them?!" I shouted in Johnnys direction. "I think so!" He replied as he looked around aimlessly. "Let's get outta here!" I demanded. "I'm coming!" Johnny stated loudly as he moved cautiously through the burning room.

"Hurry up in there!" Dallas yelled. "I'm waiting for Johnny!" I hollered. "Tell him to hurry-" Dallas's voice had been cut off by the sound of the roof nearly caving in. "C'mon Johnny! You're almost here!" I screamed as Johnny was about four feet away from the window. "Get out!" Dallas's voice sounded. "C'mon." I said weakly to Johnny as he came to the window. I put my hand to his back as I helped him through.

As Johnny climbed through the window my breathing began to slow, my eyelids became heavy, and my vision grew blurry. The smoke that surrounded me engulfed me now and rushed into to my lungs easily, I couldn't stop it. My nose and throat hurt like hell and my body was scorching. The noise around me only grew louder and louder as I grew tired. Beams, rafters, and boards only falling more as more time passed.

"Y/n!" I heard shouting from Ponyboy, Johnny, and Dallas. Their voices faded away as I fell unconscious.

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