Chapter 30 - Wanting Love

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We cruised around in the car for awhile. Two-Bit kept begging to drive the car but Matilda didn't trust him. I couldn't blame her, Two-Bit was a bit reckless. Eventually after he was begging nonstop, she gave in to him and let him drive for a bit. He drove pretty fast and every time he'd let the wheel slip a tiny bit, Matilda would panic and reach for the wheel. She kept bickering with him but he kept arguing that he was just joking around. Me and Pony giggled at them. They were like two little girls arguing over a doll.

After listening to the two argue for awhile, Matilda swapped with him and drove the rest of the time. Two-Bit was a bit fussy after that, but that quickly went away. We all sang and laughed together as the wind blew through our hair. Man did I have fun. We drove until we pulled up in front of the Curtis house.

I opened the door and got out, Pony and Two-Bit followed. "Thanks for the ride." Pony said. "No problem, I had fun." Matilda stated. She turned off the car and got out. We heard the front door swing open and Soda and Steve ran out in their DX uniforms. They quickly ran to the car and their eyes lit up. "Is this your car?" Soda asked excitedly. "Yep." Matilda answered confidently. Soda and Steve admired it. Soda brushed his hand on the side of the car in astonishment. Matilda saw the look on their face and smiled.

"Ya guys wanna go for a ride?" Matilda asked. "Hell yeah!" Soda and Steve yelled as they jumped in the car. Matilda got in and started the car. Both Soda and Steve had lit up with excitement as the engine rumbled. They looked like little kids in a candy shop, they sure were happy. They quickly zipped off in the car while yelling loudly. Everyone chuckled at them.

Dallas and Johnny came running out the door next. "Hey Dally." Ponyboy greeted Dallas. I looked over to them. "Hey." Dallas said, ruffling his hair. "Will ya stop doin that?" Pony asked, annoyed. He brushed his hair back with his hands. Dallas chuckled. "Hi Dallas." I greeted Dallas. "Hey doll." He greeted me. I smiled. I always said I  hated Dallas, especially for calling me doll all the time. For some odd reason I was starting to change. When I saw him I had a smile on my face, I had no idea why.

"Whatcha smiling at?" Dallas asked, noticing me. He smirked. I quickly stopped smiling. "Nothing." I said, looking down. He chuckled and ruffled my hair as he went past me. After passing me, he walked over to everyone and began talking.

I looked around the yard and counted up everyone. Darrel was missing. "Wheres Darrel?" I asked. Everyone looked to me. "He's probably still at work or something." Pony stated. I nodded my head. "Matilda will be pretty disappointed that she doesn't get to see him." I said. Pony, Dallas, and Johnny chuckled. "Why's that?" Two-Bit asked. "She's head over heels for the guy." I stated. Two-Bit looked at me with a confused expression on his face. "You sure?" He asked, confused. "Yeah." I said, nodding my head. "I don't think so." Two-Bit stated confidently. "Fine. I bet you twenty bucks they start dating or something." I said, crossing my arms. "I'll accept that bet and win." Two-Bit said, shaking my hand confidently. "We'll see about that." I said, shaking his hand back. Two-Bit chuckled before releasing my hand.

We all went inside after a minute or two. Me, Two-Bit, and Dallas all sat on the couch as Johnny and Pony sat on the floor. We all watched Mickey Mouse on the television and talked for awhile. After a little bit we heard a car pool up in front of the house. We all looked to the door as it swung open. Soda and Steve burst through the door, they were talking loudly and excitedly about the car ride. Matilda followed behind them with a smile on her face, probably trying not to laugh at them. I giggled at them. They both really liked cars. They both fell to the ground and began talking with everyone.

Me and Two-Bit joked around for awhile on the couch while Dallas sat silently as he smoked. Every once and awhile I would catch a quick glance from him before he would quickly look away, I wondered what that was about.

"You guy's excited for the rumble tonight?" Soda came over to Dallas and Two-Bit. They both nodded their heads. I didn't know exactly what a "rumble" was, I was confused. "Rumble?" I asked, confused. "Yeah, we're having it out with the socs tonight." Dallas said as he brought his cigarette to his lips. "What's a rumble?" I asked. "We meet up with a bunch of other guys and we fight. Socs versus greasers." Two-Bit answered. "Did Pony not tell you about it?" Two-Bit asked. I shook my head. "You wanna come? You don't have to fight." Two-Bit asked. "Sure." I said. He smiled. "I'll be like a cheerleader or something." I joked. Two-Bit chuckled.

We sat around for awhile talking and laughing together. Darrel eventually came home and he lit up when he saw Matilda. He looked exhausted from work but when he saw Matilda that look completely changed. He went from looking half dead to looking like he had just drank a whole gallon of coffee. They both ran off and talked in the kitchen. I was definitely gonna gain twenty dollars soon enough, the two seemed inseparable. Sometimes I wished I could have that someday, I wished I had that kinda of love.

I know I said I would never fall in love with a boy but I felt that starting to change. When I saw the love that Darrel and Matilda had, I wanted it for myself. They looked so happy around each other. They looked like they could cheer up each other in any situation. They were in love, no matter how much they tried to deny it. When I saw how happy they were together I wanted that. I wanted to be happy whenever I was around someone. I wanted to be happy when I heard a persons voice. I wanted to be happy when I saw a certain persons face. I wanted love, I just didn't know who I wanted it with.

"Looking at the two lovebirds?" Soda asked, looking up to me. I chuckled. "They seem so happy." I said. Soda nodded his head. "Have you ever been in love?" I asked Soda. He nodded his head. "Sandy." Soda said. "She's my girlfriend." He continued. I smiled. "I hope I get that someday." I stated. "I'm sure you will." Soda said. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

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