CHAPTER 46- Arrival of Different Agenda

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I inspected my surroundings for any gaps to make my move on. Putting my trust in the RX7's 3 rotor fully, I put my feet down, pedal to the metal. The RX7's engine sounded like an angry pack of bees, chasing down their target. And I definitely have my target on sight. Right there. Just slightly in front of me. Is my ticket to ultimate freedom, debt-free life.

After this wide chicane, there's going to be a long straight. The lane will split into 3 as well, so I need to make my plans, NOW.

Considering my position, Ren and the others seemed to be pretty far behind, sort of backing away and cowering in fear as the Divine Dragon intercepted them.

I raced down, pushing the limits. I even started throwing out some of the stuff I randomly kept in the car, cups, garbage, and other junk just to lessen the weight a few grams.

One driver, pushing on, driven by revenge and hatred, and the other pushed by his survival instincts and desperation, who will win this battle, I wonder. From here on out, it'll be pretty wide turns until that random sharp right turn heading to the wangan line. Approaching Edogawa.

Nothing has changed so far, until we reached the 90 degree right turn, at Kasai.

Ichigo's phone rang.

"In the end, it seems like I have to do things myself. But I appreciate your efforts in making it this far." The voice on the other end spoke.

"Ma'am, don't be reckless."

"Don't forget that I have experience on these kinds of things."

"And don't worry, you won't get your info leaked. This is part of the plan. That was just a bluff so you would move." She exposed.

"What? Seriously?!"

"But well, if you failed to make it this far, I wouldn't be bluffing."

Then suddenly, out of nowhere, 2 cars barged into the race from the toll gate. Two extremely high end supercars, the Lamborghini Sian and a Koenigsegg Jesko.

"What's this? We have third parties in da house! Is... is that allowed?" Raika scratched her head.

Maeka glanced at her rear view mirror, and immediately, cold sweat started rolling down her forehead. She called in Chiya with a shaky voice.

"Chiya... that... t-that car is..."

Chiya looked back through the rear window. Inside the black Sian was a lady, with blond hair and violet eyes, wearing what seems to be a hat. Chiya knew exactly who this was. She then got in a call with Ms. Hanasato.

"Miss, your eternal rival has showed up."

"I know, I've been watching. Damn that Chisato. I'm sure she's there for Maeka, protect her at all costs!" She ordered.

Just as she predicted, the white Jesko started to intrude, getting ahead of Maeka, and attempted to brake check her. Startled, she immediately slammed on the brakes, causing Tatsuya to slightly bump her rear bumper, but she swerved away from the Jesko just in time. Maeka immediately slammed on the gas, attempting to flee.

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