Chapter 42.5 - Fruits Line Pt.II

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Not quite far from the half-family reunion, Ichigo caught the first left corner early. Her engine brashly pushed herself forward with no sign of stopping.

Frooosh! Frooosh! Poor car ignored the path and charged the bushes inside the slalom. Her pink persona scratched by the branches. Revealing a true, red mica paint.

Skrrt! Braaaaaap! I smoothly overcame those corners. High top speed experience got me feel like I was traveling at 40 km/h. That boredom maximizes concentration and fun in taking several corners in seconds.

Skrrrt! Two hairpins and a noticeable right turn handled in ease. At that point, I suddenly realized the nonexistence of Ichigo. Had she still been in front of me, or had I passed through her without noticing? I worked my brain harder to scan the surroundings.

Another hairpin. Brake here.


Nice. Turn right and gradually gas.




Something suddenly hit and broke my splitter from the right! The thing then ran away without taking any responsibility. Shortly after I recovered from my shock, I recalled the shape of the rammer. Turned out to be that brat's RX-8...

Wait. I heard no rotary engine spinning, and saw no lights on the back. What the hell did she put in that car?

Then, once she noticed that I had spotted her, the tone of her car suddenly changed.


Her car suddenly jolted forward, as if getting a sudden speed boost. Keeping up from behind, I keep on observing the sound of her car, while keeping a good distance, just in case she tries to kill me again.

Keeping up with her through the rapid S-turns, passing the RV park. After this slight right turn, there will be a small straight. I shall make my push there.

Her car did it again, as she accelerated from lower to higher RPMs.

vrrrrrrRRRRRRRM, the tone changing mid-way in a violent manner.

vrrrrrrRRRRM Stututututu....

It's turboed... wait. Is that VTEC?

Now that I've analyzed it, once she reaches a certain rpm, her engine tone changes drastically. Did she... install a Honda inline-4 motor in that RX8 of hers???? Will it really benefit compared to the 2-rotor that came with it?

No matter how wide the opening to overtake in straights and corners, she regained the podium in no time. That thing maintained its RPM high at all times, which means its acceleration is at its peak. Even better than my well-tuned doritos.

Three quarters of course and still no avail.

Seven hairpins incoming.

Skrrrrrt! Asphalt lightly burned my tires as I slipped past Ichigo.

Follow which lane she's in. Don't give her space to pass.


"What the hell, Ichigo!?" I frowned after my back and her front generated a moderate impulse. I took another corner and she distanced himself. Surely, she accelerated while I was blocking her on and THUD!

Dim road lights reflected an oddity with Ichigo's front bumper. I tried to fake my movement to salve the poor soul, but her reaction time had improved.






She got worse. Nearly as flat as a Mitsubishi Colt pickup. Lights flickering. Then, I pictured my back bumper. Horrid flowed through my veins. Started to feel shaky.

"And with all that struggle, Daikou proved himself worthy in the Fruits Line!" Raika's hand punched the air. "The journey isn't over yet, though, as all Touge racers have to battle all the way to Daikoku. With Daikou and Ichigo's crippled bumpers, this long haul is getting interesting..."

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