CHAPTER 11 - Renowned Family

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As Ichika drew closer to what caught Saeki's eye, hidden underneath the pile of leaves and vines, was a 1969 Ford Mustang GT, in green, which was starting to fade to rust and gray.

"Woah, it's an abandoned car." Ichika inspected.

"I feel like I've seen this car before..." 

The hood was loose, so Saeki cautiously opened it to reveal a near-pristine engine underneath. "The engine is in suspiciously good condition..."

Saeki then remembered that her father, Joseph Joestar, used to have a similar car.

"Could this be... the remains of my father's car..?" Saeki wondered, but she shook it off with, "No, no, it couldn't be. There's no way a car that old can still exist. Or maybe..."

"Interesting... Let's take it." Chiya barged in, examining the engine further, then froze for a moment, "This... Most of the parts are better than mine, and maybe ours, such as the engine block. Few to no rust. How about we bring this home and divide who gets what?" She suggested.

"I'd ask the same to you, Chiya. I did some research before racing you, and your mother, Mrs. Tamade, keeps her maiden name, even gave it to you, even though she is married." Saeki reflected, "I suppose society has changed here."

"Wait Chiya, who is your father again?" Saeki asked.

"Jotaro. Jotaro Kujo." Chiya replied.

Saeki then took out her phone and did research on families. Being in one of the most renowned family tree, the Joestars, Saeki was able to find the chart of the family online.

"Here, I don't think my father has spoken about it, or probably he doesn't even know, but Jotaro, your father, is related to my father, as a cousin," She pointed out. 

"He didn't even realize that they're related. What a goofball. Can't they see their similarities?!" Saeki facepalmed.

Ichika and Saeki's partner, standing behind Chiya and Saeki who found out that their parents are former professional racers and related, making them half-cousin or something, looked at each other and said in their minds, "Wow, we're teaming with daughters of legends."

"So Chiya, now that I know this car is a family relic, I have to pick it up. But for now, let's leave it here. I'll come for it in a couple days. I'll let you know." Saeki pat Chiya on the back. "But don't let this distract you from the fact that we're still rivals. But who knows, we might become partners one day." She shrugged.

After some time, the heat has finally settled and the racers decide to leave from hiding.

"Athena, are you there?" Chiya spoke through her radio.

"Chiya! Thank god you're still alive." Athena's fuzzy voice came through. She told the aftermath of that police chase with terrible police officers according to her point of view, " the news choppers are coming in, and another police force in the form of a helicopter are projecting wrecked cars and innocent dead civilians and policemen to aid the media. Later on..."

"Yaaawn.. Just get to the real deal already. Who won?" Chiya got a little impatient.

Athena startled and felt guilty about it, "I-I'm sorry. I thought it'd be interesting to you folks. Anyway, the winner is...... US! With 0.005 time difference."

"Nice!" Ichika and Chiya bumped fists.

"Considering the race turned out this way, congrats, I suppose. I'll let it slide. But next time I'm gonna beat you!" Saeki exclaimed. "There's no way Kei and Maeka could lose to your folks, they're specialists at that particular course the event is set in."

"Just so you know, our touge racer is a professional as well. Sort of." Chiya bragged.

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