CHAPTER 14 - Scandalous Reunion

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On a Monday evening, I was told by Mr. Kocho to relax, so I returned to the high school I used to be, to reminisce about the good old days. The building was still the same, except the paint was fresh and the parking lot was expanded. Right after I entered the gate, a recognizable tall figure was facing back, looking down at two conversing girls, so I came closer.

I interrupted, "Tamade? You're a student here?"

She turned around and smiled, "Oh, hey Daikou. Didn't expect to meet you here. And yes, I'm a student here."

I squinted my eyes, "But, Mrs. Tamade..."

She quickly cut, "My mother hates snobbish international high school kids and their parents, so I was enrolled here. Although, I'm grateful because my old friend wasted a lot of money due to terrible influence."

While I was talking with Chiya, I overheard her friend's gossip.

"Rika, what are you listening to?"

"'I Wish' by Clover Cove."

"Clover Cove? That was like, 11 years ago! Oh, Rika, you made me feel nostalgic."

"Yeah, too bad she had a nasty scandal."

"With that racer, right? Minato, uhh, Daikou?"

"No, Mika. Daigo. He was the best Super GT racer back in his day. 2017 Super GT was very hyped because he was about to compete with Hayaashi Makoto, another Super GT pro who had climbed ladders to the top. Unfortunately, a week before the race, he was caught dating with Clover Cove, and you know how idol culture is. Daigo had to resign because of unstoppable death threats and harassment."

"I don't know what Super GT stuff is, but that's saddening, really. My big bro is still coping with the fact that Clover Cove is retired."

"And mine is still sad after Minato Daigo's resignation."

"Clover cove eh... never heard of em." I scratched my head. "But this person, Minato Daigo, seems like a very close competitor to Hayaashi Makoto. I wonder if I can meet him and ask him things." I muttered.

"Clover Cove is an idol alias. It's one of those pop idol things, she never revealed her name, she was pretty popular. Until the said incident." Chiya explained.

"I wonder how an individual could get their hands on dating an idol..." my virgin self pondered.

Meanwhile, back at the shop...

Saeki has made up her mind to retrieve her father's old Mustang. She went to Mr. Kocho's auto shop to get some tools and spare parts. At the time, Achilles was tending the counter.

"Ah, Ms. Hazawa, very nice to meet you here." Achilles greeted.

"Just happened to be looking for the nearest auto shop, this place is pretty nice." Saeki looked around.

"Right?" Achilles shrugged.

"I'm sure you've seen what happened in last night's race?" Achilles questioned, while checking out Saeki's items.

"I did. It felt surreal. A shame my team lost, but that last uphill race footage was gold."

While they were busy chit chatting, an older looking woman with shoulder-length brown hair came out of a Renault Turbo 5 and into the shop. Saeki's calm face turned into tension.

"Welcome!" Achilles greeted the lady.

"Good eve- Wait, Saeki, honey! It's been quite some time since I've seen you!" She ran up to Saeki. Saeki puts on a forced smile.

"Hi there, mom." Saeki hugged her mother.

"That 'quite some time' was just two weeks ago."

Saeki's throat muscle contracted uncontrollably, "Heh, heh, haha..."

Saeki filled in the blanks, "How's Dad? Is he still in the UK?"

Mrs. Hazawa recalled her latest phone call with her husband, "He told me that he'll go home later than expected because he's visiting his buried friend Giorno in Italy."

Saeki expressed a silent disbelief, and her mom continued, "He died from a racing accident here in 2013. He always have requested to be buried near his family whenever his time comes."

"Ah, I see... well say hi to him later for me, and for uncle Jonathan too." Saeki requested.

"Of course hun, you should come visit me too sometime, I'm all alone at home you know..." Saeki's mom frowned.

Saeki couldn't resist her guilt. "Alright mom, maybe I'll stay over soon." Her mom's frown turned into a smile.

"Anyway... nice car you got there, Mrs. Hazawa. A Renault Turbo 5 in red." Achilles eyed her car.

"Ehehe... Yeah, I don't know much about cars, my husband just gave it to me. But at the very least, yes I know it's a Renault." She glanced at her car before then walking into the store to browse items.

The Moon arose. Everyone met their bed at home, except me. Sipped a cup of café latte, dissolving its elegant heart motif. I used to enjoy coffee twice the price everyday, but I had to control my excessive spending habit. Ahh... Its warmth relaxed my whole system.



"A cool night, huh?" Pink hoodie and a pale hand were visible.

"Can't you see that I'm enjoying my time here?" I rudely put my unfinished cup and glared at Ichigo.

That brat grinned devilishly, "Oh, I'm sorry. Just wanna say congrats on your first Victory Road victory. You were so gooood that Chairman Honda instantly put you in the semifinal. I'm jealous." she pouted in jest.

I was almost at my limit, "What do you want?"

"Let's just get straight to the point. Upgrade your ancient lump of metal, or get a brand new one, unless you want to get humiliated and get your followers stolen." She licked her lips and winked.

The words that came out of her mouth felt like both constructive and destructive criticism at the same time.

"Why you-" I held my breath. "Now that I think about it, you... have a point. I was drafting the nimble Divine Dragon that whole time. I was destined to win!" Boasts inflated my chest. Ichigo gave me a light chuckle.

"Heh. Funny that you can still brag with that crap box. Even then, hope your team is willing to donate cash for you, because I know you're too broke to get your own! Ahaha!" Her chuckle turned into a ridiculing laugh.

She patted my shoulder to bid farewell, then sat outside. To avoid any unnecessary confrontations, I chugged my coffee and headed home.

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