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That day in the morning. "My phone, wallet, water bottle, sunscreen, towel, snorkel, backup clothes. Hmm... Oh right. Clipboard and the paper. I have put on my hat, sunglasses, sandals, and my swimsuit from here. "Going diving?" Keita commented on my swimsuit that was longer than my attire. "My dad was. Only have one," I answered while checking my limbs.

"Oh you're a proficient swimmer then, that's cool!" Keita stretched out his arms. "I can't wait to see the girls in their swimwear though, heehee." He made a despicable giggle. "What every guy has been waiting for, huh?" I replied.

"But you sure are pretty packed just for going to the beach." Keita looked at my bag. "You can't never be too prepared." I whistled. We then went out where we met up with Achilles and Mr. Kocho yet again. "Ah, I see you all are prepared." Mr. Kocho grinned. I saw that Mr. Kocho was already putting on his shorts, and nothing else. "Not gonna wear anything over that? Aren't you cold?" I pointed at Mr. Kocho's burly chest. "Not at all! The summer vibe is giving me the heat!" Mr. Kocho acted like a youth.

"I heard the girls went on ahead to the beach dressing room. Let's hurry before they finish, so we can look more prepared." Achilles suggested. We then booked it into the beach, which was not very far away from our hotel, so we ran. After some time, we arrived at the shore.

"Feel that sea breeze baby!" Keita opened his arms wide while the wind blew his hair. "It's been some time since I went to see the sea." I breathed in the fresh air. "Ah, there they are!" A familiar voice called out from behind us. "Sorry for the wait!" The 4 of us slowly turned around.

There it is. 7 gorgeous girls packed in front of us. Heaven's door.

Chiya stood out the most out of the group. Being the tallest. Her swimsuit of choice didn't really seem to stand out and was kind of lazy, since it looked like her school swimsuit. The skintight swimsuit emphasized her already slender and tall figure even more.

Then there's the beautiful diva, Athena. Wearing a short crop top that puts the cleavage of her chest on display. With a pair of short shorts and a beach hat, it really encapsulates the style of a mature and stylish wear.

Then we have Kei. Wearing a simple yet cute outfit. Expected of an ex-idol. With a simple white top that covers her chest with the strap around her neck, and a frilly bottom that resembles a skirt wrapping around her hips nicely. With her teal hair shining in the sun, she's nothing short of cute and cool.

Maeka slid in with the weirdest swimsuit I've ever seen. When I saw her front, she wore two separate clothing, but when I turned to her back, a middle part connected them. Anyway, the color was pastel blue, and two simple loops on upper and under.

Came the Hoshino siblings who were arguing over trivial matters. Ichika's raised hands revealed black bikini with little white dots. If you look up, Triangle shaped pads tied at the center bandaged her torso. If you looked down, undergarments that reached her waist did the job.

Annoyed, Nino threw a tantrum in her bicolor one-piece. Blue was worn on her left, brighter blue was worn on her right, knotted at the left, creating a perfect shape harmony.

Last one, Saeki on the back right. Dark green spandex two-piece. Strapless top merged by thicker material in the middle. Bottom that circled around her hips. It is slightly darker because different types, different colours. Kind of shiny when enough lights are reflected.

When our eyes met, hers goggled. It was just me jotting important details on this paper on a clipboard. Cute, cool, counters. Cute gets a head start. 

Click, click! This pen is on.

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