CHAPTER 33 - Old Guardian, New Business Partner

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"Seems like Ichigo and her people have left in a hurry. Must've been to avoid embarrassment. Good riddance." I shook my head. I start to wonder if I'm ever gonna see her again, I sure hope not, but that brat always shows up at the most unexpected times.

"I kinda felt bad for her, she sorta needed that publicity, meanwhile we're already the hot talk almost everywhere." Kei snuck up behind me.

"I don't care, I needed to teach her a lesson to not make fun of me again."

"Look, Ichigo might like to tease and stuff, but she's actually pretty sincere. She always softens up to those she teases, even more when she's fond of that certain person." Kei leaned on the track railing.

"Huh, are you trying to side with her, Kei? Making assumptions?" I interrogated.

"No Daikou. I'm not making assumptions. That's just how she is. How do I know her so well? Look."

She pulled out her phone, did a quick google search and showed a cover image of Kei in her previous Idol unit, alongside with... Ichigo? Ichigo?!

"You used to be in the same band thing with Ichigo?"

"Mhm. Second generation of Pastel*Palettes. I know you never follow idol stuff, but I didn't expect you to be this in the dark."

Now that was unexpected. I knew Kei used to be in the Idol entertainment industry, but I never knew she worked alongside Ichigo.

"Ichigo's part of the Kiritani family, known for being famous idols and entertainers. She followed them, taking part in Idol activities at first, but then branched out to content creation." Kei explained her lore. "So it's only natural for me to know how Ichigo is like." She concluded. "Next time you see her, don't go straight to trash-talking please. As far as I know, she's already dealing with problems of her own." She advised me to sympathize.

I grumbled before agreeing, "Ugh, okay fine. But still, today is my win." Kei gave me a smile and stretched her arms up, before beckoning me back to our own pit.

When I went to stand and watch the rest of the races, a woman with shoulder length hazel hair, dressed in a sharp suit and paired with glasses trotted over to our paddock, seemingly to watch the races too. This is the participant-only area, mind you, but she walked in here so casually.

"Excuse me ma'am, are you lost? This is the racers area-" Before I finished my sentence, she looked at me and said words of her own.

"I believe I'm not lost. This is the Shadow Hounds paddock, isn't it?"

Wait, she's looking for us?

Her hand reached into her front pocket, to pull out what looks like a business card. "Hanasato Hitori", her name read. The picture on the card matches the woman's face.

"I'm a manager for the multi-talent agency company, Dreamscore Productions. I'm scouting for talents right now." She explained herself.

"And... you are planning to scout... us?" I questioned.

"That's the plan. I saw your race earlier. It was spectacular." She applauded. "You know, seeing all the cars and the smell of gasoline like this, it really reminds me of that boy." She sighed and leaned on the wall.

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