CHAPTER 6 - Tandem Drifting

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My turn now.

"Hey, Daikou, I'm really counting on you," Mr. Kocho startled me, who was concentrating. He concluded, "Don't disappoint my brother and me."

In a warehouse near C-4 Terminal, I revved up my RX-7, waiting for the signal to start. I had to drive through a track, guided and barricaded by well-placed shipping containers. They were placed really tight, so a lot of oversteer is necessary. Three contestants with the fastest time won the qualification.

Racing line moderator stood. shouting countdown.





Vrrrooooaaaaaam! Tyre smoke filled the city and skid marks embroidered the asphalt.

Drifting in tandem with my teammate, we tried to be as in sync as possible. Because of my past drifting experience, this stuff was easy peasy. My teammate, drifting in a 1971 Nissan GT-R , was doing pretty decently as well. It seemed like our opponents were the RX7 FD and the 350Z. They looked like they had experience too.

My rotary machine screeched and popped with every turn and every rev, its lightweight body and powerful enough motor giving me enough momentum to not break my drift the whole way.

Every corner blew like a breeze. Gonna be a piece of ca-

"Watch out. Sharp hairpin nearby. We have to enter a tunnel of containers, and then turn hard right before we get out," my mate gave me an intel. Upon entering, my car gained a little bit of elevation. Whosh. Thud! That landing made my handling slightly harder.

Brbrbrbrbrbrbr.... The rough floor terrain alleviated the danger.

"Hold it together, hands!" I kept it cool while traversing a narrow tunnel at high velocity. Almost got out of the tunnel. I readied my grip, and spun my wheels to the left.

Skreee-thump! Skrraaaaaaat! Another sudden change of altitude! I panicked. I pressed the pedal too hard and did a 180 degree spin. I wouldn't waste the momentum to spin out. I steered this Mazda to the left until it locked and controlled my gas pedal pressure. Skrrrrrt! After about 270 degrees, I immediately returned my car's alignment straight. Tada! Vroooooom.

"Great recovery," my partner in the Skyline praised.

"Ahead is the donut U-turn before the finish, we just have to do a spin, then floor it to the other end." My teammate pointed out. Easy enough. Using the inertia drift method, I steered my car to the left, then to the right, shifting the car's weight as I slid around the cone. Then floor it to the finish! And done. What a brutal course!

Getting out of our cars, me and my teammate did a fist bump.

"You're pretty good." I praised him.

"Same goes for you too, expected nothing less from the man himself, Daikou." He scratched his head.


"Achilles, what happened to my Shelby? It just lost power." Chiya asked for an examination. Chiya popped open the hood for Achilles to look into it.

"Ah, shame, the supercharger is busted. Seems like somehow a pebble got in there and messed it up. Because of the supercharger pulley's sudden stop, that did a thing on your belt too. So it was running loose on your way here. No good." He explained.

He commented, "Good thing the damage is not that severe. Just pull this pebble out of here with this tool and...," Screech! Fling! He pulled the small pebble by force, scratching the rotor inside of it.

"No, stop it, please-" Chiya begged in a calm demeanor while horrors were haunting inside her head.

"'s fixed," he ended.

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