CHAPTER 28 - Okinawa Summer Vacation!!!

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It was one to five in the evening at Shadow Hounds' HQ. Only Mr. Kocho was present, combing his jet black hair that had been applied by a pack of hair gel in the meeting room. Knock knock. He moved his upper left arm back and forth, permitting me to get in.

"Good evening, Daikou. Please be seated." I wasn't given a chance to speak first.

He adjusted his black armchair to comfort his speech, "First of all, I am grateful that you've healed. Many people did not make it after being exposed to excessive carbon monoxide. Second, I'm sorry that I have pushed you to the point where you could die in the process. My expectation towards you was too heavy to handle because I was blinded with desire."

"Oh no, Sir! Please, don't blame it on yourself. Clearly I was the one being reckless in not putting my guard up." I apologized back.

"Let's just say we're both wrong, hmm?" Mr. Kocho and I shook hands. "Anyway, I've asked Ken to tune down your car. Back to a drift car, instead of a 4 rotor, one rotor has been hacked off making it a 3 rotor, enough torque and speed for drifting," He announced.

"Ah, that's good to hear! Thank you sir." I smiled. "Well, the others should be here soon. Let us wait," Mr. Kocho leaned back on his chair and put his hands together.

Approximately 30 minutes later, at 4:35 PM, the duo, Athena and Achilles made their way into the room and took their usual seats. Then 10 minutes later, the Star Chasers gang, Saeki, Kei, Maeka and Keita followed and stood around where their leader sat. Then at last, Ichika and Kenji arrived. "Everyone's here?" Mr. Kocho counted heads. "Seems like it, what's the occasion, boss?" Kei put her hands behind her head.

"Well..." Mr. Kocho cleared his throat. "It is general knowledge that we have 3 weeks before the Victory Road finals. We have gotten information that we will be racing in the new belt line area for the highway racing division. As for the touge, it's still classified." He explained.

"I believe in your skills that we all have what it takes to win. So, since summer is also around the corner, I will grant you all a gift." Mr. Kocho ruffled through his bag. He then slapped down 10 plane tickets, with the destination saying "Okinawa"

"Sir, are these-" I inspected. "That's right. Plane tickets. I figured we all could use a little vacation." He chuckled.

Everybody put on their happiest face, but no audible noise yet.

"C'mon, my partners. Just say it out," our boss provoked.

WOOHOO! All jumped and clapped.

"For the first time since I joined here, Mr. Kocho finally arranged a company outing," Achilles remarked.

Athena confirmed it, "That's true. Usually, he gives us a week of no jobs during summer."

Not long after, everyone dispersed while Achilles and Mr. Kocho closed up shop.

"So, did my sister cause you trouble earlier?" Ichika went up to me when I was on my way to the exit.

"Well, it's safe to say she was well behaved. She's a pretty sweet gal if you ask me." I responded.

"Sweet? As far as I know, sweet and Nino don't go together. She's always mischievous and bratty." Ichika put her hands on her hips.

"Maybe for once she wasn't dealing with her older sister."

"A-" her mouth wreaked its grudge, but horribly failed. It realized how its owner did in the past, "You're right. I tend to make sure she stays out of trouble despite her ability to overcome it. That might be one of the reasons she ran away."

I defended her guilt, "As an older sibling, it's all natural. The one who got taken care of likes to rebel, and it's normal. The most important thing is to let her do her thing as long as it does not severely harm herself and others."

My friend beside me accepted a touch of enlightenment,

"Thanks for the kind words, Hozzai."

"No problem, Ichika."

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