CHAPTER 38 - Abusive Brother

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WEDNESDAY, 30th of March 2039

Daikoku Parking Area

15 Daikokufuto, Tsurumi Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 230-0054, Japan

11.00 p.m.

Daikoku parking area.

It used to be a place where craziest car enthusiasts gathered around to show their coolest rides off. Lowriders, bosozokus, neon-filled vehicles, you name it. Although, due to constant interference with the police who are fun at parties, the place slowly died down.

This place became the second most popular car meetup place, with Shinkyoubashi Parking Lot coming in first. In the next five years, who knows, maybe another parking lot would get the crown after the previous owner had gotten attention good enough to attract the meddling cops.

Three Shadow Hounds candidates were on their own as the HiAce van accompanied the touge racers. Chiya, Ichika, and Maeka.

A prideful feeling in Chiya's mind spoke, "Okay. It seems that we have different purposes of winning, but we can agree on one thing. Win the final."

Ichika concentrated on her palms, while Maeka nodded firmly. "Let's do this," both rallied.

Right after the short speech, thud! Sound of a closed door attracted their attention. A silver Z34, aligned with Maeka's S30Z, and its owner beside it.

"Still with the old car?" The man interrupted.

"Kaede!" Maeka's pupils dilated.

"Let me borrow this friend of yours," Kaede wrapped his arms around Maeka, guiding her towards the Z34, away from her friends. Maeka followed in anxiety.

Kaede elongated the right side of his lip upwards, slightly showing his teeth. "30th of March, must be the happiest day of your life, eh? Leaving your beloved moral supporters cry because you betrayed their trust by running away?"

"..." Maeka stood in silence.

"Idol industry. The most profitable industry, capitalizing this amorous parasocial relationship to a flock of love-seeking fans. Didn't you get the appeal?"

"You're as immoral as Mother."

Kaede spat on the ground. "Heh, All those years and you haven't realized the true potential of it? I pity you, Maeka."

"I'm not going back!" Maeka asserted in front of his face.

"Remember the days where you could have everything you'd like. Expensive smartphone? It was in your hands right after. How about those myriad of vinyl records you used to listen to every night after an exhausting, yet satisfying career? Ahh, the melody of Debussy's Clair de Lune, spinning on a fine gramophone needle." Kaede twirled his index finger, imitating the rotation of a vinyl record.

"S-stop it!" Maeka avoided his brother's face, covering her ears as he kept demoralizing her.

"I knew you'd miss the luxury era of your timeline. Look at you right now, living in a rented 1R flat as 90% of your income is used for this second-hand car." Maeka's brother enlarged his nostrils and raised his cheekbone beyond human limit, making the most disgusting grin of all time.

Maeka gathered enough confidence to point at Kaede's chest. "I'd rather live that way rather than forcing myself day and night to please Mother who's licking stakeholders' boots."

"Look what I got from 'licking stakeholders' boots'!" He exclaimed so loud that Chiya and Ichika turned around, "A car personally tuned by the founder of Top Secret himself, Kazuhiko "Smokey" Nagata. Boasting a thousand horsepower and more, with the acceleration so fast the time dilated."

"What a load of bull," Chiya felt irritated by his fartcan-sounding vocal chords.

"You stay out of this, girl! This is a private matter between Maeka, and me."

"No offense, but a person boasting their fastest car usually drives the slowest."

"I appreciate the remark, but keep this in mind. Like us humans, old cars need a nonexistent miracle to overcome the newer, better ones," Kaede philosophized.

Chiya smirked, "How about we play a game called "Reach Tsukuba First"? If Maeka reaches Tsukuba first, get out of her sight and your words are proven wrong."

"Chiya!" Maeka gasped by her bravery.

Kaede's head only bobbed up and down. "...Interesting... And if I reach it instead, you know what to expect, Maeka."

Maeka gulped in silence hearing Chiya make the deal with Kaede. "Chiya... I appreciate that you stood up for me, but... can my car really keep up with that car of his? If what he says is true, then we don't have a chance! Not in the slightest! And I'm not even supposed to race the highways!" Maeka panicked.

Chiya's fingertips projected to Kaede. "Maeka, you say that your brother is good at driving, but he himself isn't familiar with cars and the racing scene as a whole, right?"

"That's right."

"Then if everything goes according to my calculations, and what he said about his car's horsepower is true, then the race is fully in our favor." Chiya's mouth made a devious grin.

"What do you mean, Chiya?" Maeka wasn't at the same frequency yet.

"I am sure his only intention is to drive you out of the competition in this race. My prediction is that he will push the car as hard as he can to stay ahead of you, and probably everyone else. I heard the sound of his car earlier, and the motor is still indeed, a Nissan VQ V6. Such an engine can only take so much horsepower and strain before it blows itself up. If he has good control over the car, it can be managed." Chiya explained.

"And about the car, I have already made a deal with the organizers earlier. With this car, he will NEED to push that car of his to its limits to keep up. It's looking in our favor already." Chiya folded her arms, showing Maeka that her plan was more than ready.

"I'm afraid I'm not getting it, Chiya." Maeka was still connecting...

"Remember that project car that we worked on not long ago, the one that Daikou took for a test drive with Mr. Kocho?"

"Wait, are you saying... that I'll be driving THAT?" Connection established.

"Look to your left."

Maeka turned her head, and saw a glimmering metallic black supercar, with Achilles leaning on it. You can even see the reflection of the moon on that car's hood. Maeka's eyes weren't lying to her. That is indeed, the Shadow Hounds special Lamborghini Diablo SV. Achilles saw Maeka looking at the Diablo, and gave her a smile, as if he was already expecting Maeka to drive the Lambo.

Maeka was surprised, as she had no idea. "You want me to drive the Diablo you guys worked on so hard? I don't even trust myself with it..."

"You'll be replacing Saeki in this battle. We have all the resources needed. Now go and fight for your freedom, girl." Chiya nudged her.

"T-thank you..." Water wetted her cheeks, "I'm not expecting Shadow Hounds to be so supportive."

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