CHAPTER 26 - Hoshino's Concern

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My innate, supreme recovery superpower inherited from my parents bailed me out of assured healthcare services in just a week, and my doctor confirmed that I did not suffer from brain damage. Yay! Anyway, I was heading to the Hoshino sisters' house to check on Nino.

I picked up my phone and searched the contacts for Ichika's number. I then gave her a call.

Ring.... ring....

A few rings went by without Ichika picking up the phone. Then I finally heard someone on the other end pick up. "Hello?" An unknown female voice spoke.

"Is this the Hoshino household?" I asked.

"Oh yes! Who am I talking with?"

"Hoshino Ichika's colleague, Daikou Hozzai."

She then shouted something along the lines of, "ICHIKA! SOMEONE'S ON THE PHONE FOR YOU!"

A few seconds later I could hear an exhausted sounding Ichika coming to the phone.

"Hi hello?" Ichika caught her breath.

"Hoshino! It's me again. Where is your house located again?" I asked.

"I just told you 10 minutes ago!"

"Sorry, sorry. I had a lot of stuff to do, so I didn't pay much attention."

She then told me her address, I typed it on my phone's note app.

"What are you doing anyway? You sound tired." I asked.

"Taking care of a little injured brat is harder than I thought." She huffed.

I could then hear in the background, "SIS! AWAYUKI, COME QUICK THERE'S A COCKROACH!!" From that alone I could guess what was going on.

"Well good luck, I'm on my way to visit." I hung up.

Because my RX7 was in the specialist workshop being disassembled and repaired, I decided to borrow Achilles' NSX to drive. I parked the amber-colored NSX in front of the household's driveway, and entered through the wide-open garage filled with 2 vibrantly-colored Porsche derivatives.

Seems like this is the place.

I rang a bell outside the door. A midi tune of Swan Lake performed in their house. A posture shorter than me with wavy taro cupcake colored hair greeted me, "Good morning! You must be Daikou Hozzai."

"Yes, and you must be, uhh..." Her voice sounds like the one on the phone, but...

"Oh! Sorry for not introducing myself properly. I'm Udagawa Awayuki. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too."

She guided me to Nino's bedroom. Frames of famous racers' official merchandise with their signature written on them are hung all over the place. Left side of the bed is for Super GT racers. I spotted that two vacant nails existed between a myriad of collections. Right side of her bed is for rally pros. In front of the bed, they were filled with her late father's legacy. Newspaper, photos, miniature of that RUF BTR, everything.

"Hello..." I knocked on the door and slowly entered the room, where I could see Ichika sitting on the edge of Nino's bed, and Nino, on the bed.

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