Gina's First Scene as a Star

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A new day begun and it was the first table read of 'HSM 3' and this was going to be a long day as doing the school musical and being an extra in the Hollywood movie. We all took our seats and then Kourt rushed in "I'm here! I'm here!" She shouted as she stood by her seat "I was up late working on eleven versions of my college essay. If a living legend like Dani can be fired in one day, nobody's future is safe." Kourt explained. "Kourtney? Why is the logo on your coffee cup from Seb's family farm?" Carlos asked "oh... that. You might want to sit." Kourt spoke as Carlos sat down next to her.

"So, Seb's family is running the coffee truck at craft services." Kourt explained "so Seb is working on the movie, but in a catering position?" Carlos asked "I know, I know. I'm just as shocked as you are." Kourt spoke "did he say anything about me?" Carlos asked "I hate to say this but the coffee wasn't the only thing that felt icy." Kourt finished and Carlos looked a bit sad. "Babies, we should begin." Miss Jenn spoke as we all took our seats "I haven't missed the reading, have I?." Gina asked as she arrived in her movie star outfit "movie star, much!" I shouted and we all gave her a cheer as she did a little spin. "No, please join us." Miss Jenn spoke and the reading begun.

Ricky and Gina started to sing their song 'Can I Have This Dance?'. Half way through, I joined them with the piano as they did a whole dance routine around the room on the spot which was amazing. Me and Ash smiled at each other at their connection and how amazing they both were as they sung and danced together. They finished their dance and song and we all gave them a cheer and an applause for their amazing performance "moving on. Chad enters." Miss Jenn spoke and Ricky coughed loudly and no-one came in "now dude!" Ricky shouted and both Jet and Maddox walked in. I quickly noticed Maddie as she noticed me too and we both smiled at each other as I could feel my face turning pink "oh my god! Is this real life?" Kourt asked standing up as everyone screamed in excitement and crowded around them "we heard from Ricky that you guys were short on one very important Chad." Maddie explained "not just any Chad. A low-energy, snarky little fellow by the name of Jet." Ricky corrected Maddie.

"Carrying on with the table read, now with full cast." Miss Jenn started "go Jet!" Ricky shouted with excitement "okay, new deal. They need Gina on set pronto and all Featured Extras in wardrobe now. So, everyone follow me. Stat!" Maddie called out "wait, I thought the extras weren't needed until next week?" Miss Jenn asked "yeah, Quinn decided to add students in the background of the Darbus scene." Maddie explained. "Let's go guys!" I shouted and watched everyone run out to the wardrobe rooms. "Gina? Are you okay?" I asked her as she took in deep breathes "yeah, I just need a minute." Gina replied "alright, I'll see you down there when you're ready." I said and gave her a tight hug.

I ran out and quickly found the others "Maddie, what are you doing here?" I asked as we shared a tight hug "Surprise! Well, Jet got kicked out of the school and they were looking for a new PA. So me and Jet came down and wanted to help you guys out." Maddie explained "you are amazing." I said giving her another tight hug, Ash held my hand as we walked behind Maddie to the stairs "Featured Background, we're walking." Maddie announced and we all followed her under the yellow tape "so, Maddie is here." Ash whispered to me "yeah, she is." I whispered back "are you guys together now?" Ash asked "yeah we are. I should've told you sooner." I spoke in a rush "it's alright, I'm happy for you." Ash said as she gave me a side hug.

We all got changed into our costumes and everyone looked pretty cool, I wore a simple grey hoodie with baggy jeans and Carlos a long sweatshirt with baggy jeans and a beanie as we were both dressed up as a skater guys, Ash was dressed up like a goth with a dark past, Jet was dressed up like a rugby (football) player, Ricky was dressed up like a nerd with fake glasses and for Kourt I have no idea what she's wearing. We walked out but me and Carlos were still talking to Seb "Y/n, Carlos let's go!" Maddie shouted at us "let's go before Maddie starts properly yelling." I spoke to Carlos "fine, I will be back." Carlos said to Seb. We walked out with Maddie behind us as she directed us to the main room where it's being set "yes, this is lifelike recreation of Ms. Darbus' classroom." Maddie spoke "and yes, I'm geeking out too." Maddie added as she tried to hold it together but I chuckled at her expression.

"Can we sit in any chair we want?" Ricky asked "no, Math Nerd. This is a dictatorship, not a democracy." "So, it's just like home?" Jet asked and the room fell silence "you've always got to ruin the mood Jet." I said rolling my eyes "Richard sit." Maddie said angrily and pointed at a chair "yes ma'am or copy." He said quietly and walked to his seat. "Faster. Goth girl?" Maddie said as she smiled at Ash which I only notice. Me and Carlos got separated as we both held our skateboards, Carlos sat next to Ash and I sat next to Ricky. Jet sat in front of us and Kourt sat with us too. "Man, I'm so excited to see Gina." Ricky whispered to me "yeah, me too. She's gonna be amazing." "She always is." I looked at him with wide eyes "do you know about us?" "Yeah, it's really obvious." I said and he turned pink, I chuckled at his expression.

"Alright, listen up. We're cross-shouting Background reactions while first team gets their coverage. Hose it down." Maddie spoke "Jet, what language is she using?" Ash asked him "How To Bark Like a PA: 30 Weird Phrases to Shout Into a Walkie. She memorised it on the plane ride." Jet replied as he showed us the book and Maddie quickly snatched it out of his hand "how commanding." Ash spoke. "Alright. My Featured Extras, be big but not real. Animated but not exciting, totally appealing, but completely forgettable in every way. You get it." Maddie spoke "and whatever you do, remember there is no speaking at all." Maddie added as we all nodded and took our seats in silence.

"Alright, hello. Hello, hi." Quinn said getting our attention "now, I like to shoot the first rehearsal to see where the disasters might be, okay? So let's go." Quinn spoke "copy." Me and Ricky said "rolling." Maddox said. "Hey guys, I'm Alyso, call me Aly. No nerves today, alright? We got this." Aly spoke in her Ms. Darbus' outfit. "And action!" Quinn shouted and the filming started.

Mack: Hey Bailey, can I talk to you about something?
Gina: You know you can talk to me about anything, Sam.
Mack: I know, babe, but this is really hard for me to say.
Gina: Babe, you're scaring me. What?
Mack: It's about Ms. Darbus.
Gina: Okay... Now I'm really scared.
Mack: I just found out Ms. Darbus doesn't have much longer. At East High. She's retiring.
Gina: Sam, please tell me you're kidding. I don't know how to be at East High without Ms. Darbus. When I came here as a sophomore, I didn't know anyone. I was totally lost and Ms. Darbus made me feel found. She means so much to me.
Mack: She means so much to all of us. We're gonna get through this. Together.
Alyson: Crying? Why is there crying?
Mack: I'm sorry, Ms. Darbus. I just told Bailey that you're retiring. I couldn't hold it in any longer.
Alyson: Attention, everyone. Please? What Sam just said is correct. I will be retiring at the end of this year but what does retirement mean? Really? I prefer to think of it as we are going to be graduating joyfully and going off onto our next great adventures together.
Gina: I'm not ready to say goodbye.
Alyson: In the theatre, there is never goodbye. It's an exit stage right. It's a kiss, kiss at the stage door. It's making sure you don't fall in love with your costar because what if you break up with them the next week, you find you're cast in a bare-bones production of 'Romeo and Juliet'. Oh! The stories I could tell. Bailey, Sam, Math Nerd Boy, Skater Boi, Goth Girl, all of you. I am as saddened as you are to be bidding adieu to my beloved East High. But a teacher, a true teacher never really retired. She lives on in you. In all of you. Wildcats forever.

"And cut!" Quinn shouted and we could all finally breathe.

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