T.R.C.O.S.L - P2

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I slowly got up and hopped over to the piano, I wiped the tears away "are you okay?" The camera guy asked me "yeah." I said through sniffles. I smirked at the others behind the curtain in a way that the camera guy didn't see me, they quietly clapped at my performance and carried on acting and started with Ricky and Gina's duet.

GINA: You've got opinions on my life and my relations. But let me tell you what.
RICKY: Okay, enlighten me.
GINA: Love is one thing that has zero complications. And I can trust my gut.
RICKY: Okay, you frighten me.
GINA: Some people know their hearts the minute true love starts.
RICKY: Some people read a lot of books.
GINA: I like books. Some people simply know when true love says hello.
RICKY: Some folks are taken in by princely looks.
GINA & RICKY, both: What do you know about love?

Them two really got into the song as EJ had to shout "cut!" "Really EJ?" I asked annoyed "ooo. Is Y/n getting mad?" Kourt asked in surprise "oh, this is not good." Nini spoke frightened of what might happened, she made her way and sat next to me "what's going on?" Nini whispered to me "remember that night when EJ was at your house." I started "yeah and you never came back." Nini spoke confused. "Let's start that again!" Carlos shouted and I started to play again, we got through the song on the third try as EJ was getting irritated by their connection.

"Take a long ten guys." EJ spoke and walked off, Nini looked at me and held my hands "what happened that night?" "I may have hit him." I spoke nervously "wait, what?" She asked "I was angry at the way he treated you and I took it out on him." "But hitting someone is not the answer, you know that right?" "I do, but I was just really mad." "Alright, go and apologise to him. Now." I nodded and walked off to find EJ in the director's cabin "hey, EJ?" I asked "yeah." He said as he got out of his reindeer costume "I'm sorry about that night." I started nervously "the night you punched me in the nose?" "Yeah, I'm really sorry." "I don't care." "You're full of everything!" "What's that supposed to mean?" "You only care about yourself and no-one else's feelings! You're probably treating Gina the same way!" "Don't bring Gina into this!" "Why not? I know you're annoyed about their connection but don't be mad if you can't act the same way!" "That's not for you to understand!" He said and slapped me "Really, you want to start with me?" "What are you gonna do?" He asked and my fist collided with his nose again and it bursted with blood everywhere "you want me to do anything else?" I asked and he swung back at me and cut my bottom lip "you're pathetic." I spoke and walked out to see Nini waiting for me.

"What the hell happened?" "I apologised but he didn't like that and slapped me so I punched him in the nose again and then he punched me and cut my lip." I explained and that night's flashbacks came back through my head seeing blood everywhere, I looked down at my knuckles slightly bleeding "Y/n? Are you okay?" "Are my knuckles bleeding?" "No, just a dark shade of pink." I nodded but kept seeing blood on them. "Sorry." I spoke and quickly ran to the cabin's bathroom to wash my hands and my face. I looked up in the mirror and tears were rushing down my face, I paced around the room as I started to get more flashbacks through my head.
*I shouldn't have hit him, I shouldn't have hit him.* I repeated to myself as I controlled my breathing.

Nini's POV:
"Y/n?" I spoke and she looked up but I couldn't really understand her face "Y/n? It's Nini. Are you okay?" I asked and she looked deeply at me then saw Maddox standing behind me. "I shouldn't have punched him." She spoke quietly as she sat on the floor "hey, it's okay." "No it's not! You told me that hitting someone is not the answer!" She shouted "hey, breathe. Maddox could you get me some wet tissues?" I asked. Maddox sat in front of her with a wet tissue and cleaned her lip as blood was still rolling down her chin.

"How are you feeling?" Maddox whispered to Y/n but she didn't answer as she was slowly drifting of to sleep, she was slowly falling over but Maddox caught her as she sat to her left and rested her head on her shoulder. Maddox intertwined their hands together as she stayed with her as Y/n fell asleep "I love you." Maddox whispered. A few hours went by and the other girls approached us "sorry, are we interrupting?" Kourt asked. "No, you can come in." I spoke as we all looked at Y/n still with her eyes closed. "What happened to her?" Ash asked "EJ happened." I spoke boldly "what's that supposed to mean?" Gina asked "I'm sure Y/n would want to tell you instead of me." I explained and they all nodded their heads.

A few hours went by and our rehearsal was cancelled for the day and Y/n slowly woke up "how are you feeling?" Maddox asked her first "I love you too." Y/n spoke as her face turned pink and so did Maddox's "you heard?" Maddox asked and Y/n nodded her head with a big smile. "Y/n? What happened?" Gina asked worriedly "from which part?" Y/n asked "that night at Nini's and what just happened." Gina spoke, Y/n nodded and took in a few deep breathes. "Well, me and Nini were hanging out at her house and she got a text from EJ saying that he wants to break up. But what he didn't know was that I saw him parked outside the house. I got up and left to have a talk with him, he got out the car and I took a swing at his face and gave him a black eye, broken nose and a cut lip." Y/n explained "you did all of that for me?" I asked and she nodded with a smile "and what happened in the director's cabin?" Kourt asked.

"I went to apologise for my actions but he's full of himself and he slapped me because I brought you in it." Y/n spoke pointing at Gina "then I punched him again in the nose and he punched me in the face and split my lip." Y/n finished explaining. "He's the worst and his old self again from the first time we met with his smug face." Gina spoke and we all agreed with a laugh.

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