Cast for School Musical

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The day was long but hasn't finished yet as we all got a texted from Carlos saying 'emergency meeting at Gina's house'. I drove myself down to her house and arrived with only Carlos, Ash and Emmy there "where is everyone?" "They're on their way." Ash spoke as Kourt walked up the stairs "this room is cute." Kourt spoke looking around. Soon Gina arrived "well, look who decided to arrive." Carlos spoke as we all saw Gina standing at the stairs "I'm sorry. Welcome to my bedroom. How did you guys even get in?" Gina spoke as she placed some of her things down. "The garage code is your Mum's birthday. You can find it on her Linkedln page." Emmy explained as we all looked at her confused.

"Everyone sit." Carlos spoke as he held a brown envelope "everyone breathe." Carlos spoke. "Today was big. We rehearsed for a Hollywood movie!" Carlos shouted and earned a few screams from Kourt and Ash. "But in my humble opinion the following is even bigger." Carlos said just as Ricky ran up the stairs "Am I too late?" He asked as he was out of breathe "for Ricky Bowen, you're right on time." Carlos answers as we shared a laugh.

"Sharpay will be played by... Kourtney Greene!" Carlos announced as he earned a few screams in Kourt's area "Ryan will be played be moi." Carlos spoke and got a cheer from us "dream team!" Kourt shouted out. "Kelsi will be played by... Ashlyn Moon Caswell." We cheered for her. "Taylor will be played by the famous, controversial Hollywood exile known only as... Emmy." He said as we cheered for her. "Here we go. Troy will be played by, not shockingly, Featured Extra Number Two, aka Richard Bowen." Carlos spoke which got a scream from Gina that I only noticed and looked at her dead in the eye as she covered her mouth with her hand. "Let's go, seniors! Yes!" Ricky celebrated loudly. "And now for the moment we've been all waiting for, Gabriella." "Oh my gosh, is it me?" Gina asked impatiently. "Let me have my moment." Carlos spoke as there was a long pause til "it's you!" Carlos spoke to Gina and she screamed happily.

I looked between Ricky and Gina as they both were smiling really big at each other "by the way, can we talk about your energy with your crush to end all crushed today?" Kourt asked Gina.  "Please. Mack was just trying to help Dani." Gina answered "exactly, his girlfriend." Ash added loudly "and while Gina is absolutely, definitively single, she's respecting the boundary." Ash finished with a smile "subtle." I whispered to her. "Come on." Kourt spoke again "you've had that Mack cut-out in your closet since you were ten. You owe it to ten-year-old Gina to at least try." Kourt added.

"Excuse me. There's more. Martha as Kenidee. I am personally lobbying for Miss Jenn to play Miss Darbus." Carlos spoke "I agree with that." I said nodding my head "Troy's understudy is Y/n." Carlos spoke "but I didn't audition." I spoke as everyone laughed. "And that's it." Carlos finished "wait, what about Chad?" Gina asked "right, my boyfriend?" Emmy asked "Chad is not cast yet." Carlos spoke "how do we not have enough people to fill out on 'HSM3' cast?" Gina asked "It appears the movie sucked up all other potential drama kids. They're getting 100 bucks a week. plus free kettle corn. We can't compete with that." Carlos explained.

"You guys, Dani just posted something cryptic on Instagram. It reads 'Hollywood is brutal. Stay grounded out there babes.' Mack commented '(beep) messed up'." Kourt finished and got a few gasps "ooh, what kind of tea they got going on there?" Kourt asked "wait, what's 310? Like, what area code is that?" Gina asked as she looked down at her phone as someone was calling her "310... That's Hollywood, baby!" Carlos shouted, Gina expected the call and placed it on speaker.

Hollywood's Calling:

Gina: Hello?
Quinn: Gina Porter. Hi. It's Quinn the director. Sundance runner-up to 'Where Has All The Money Gone?'
Gina: I'm so sorry. I just... like... I know I messed up earlier today but I promise it won't happen again.
Quinn: Listen, that is the exact thing that I need. I spoke to your drama teacher today and she said you have the range, talent and ambition to really make a mark.  And not just in the background.
Gina: What are you saying?
Quinn: What I'm saying is... how would you like to replace Dani in 'High School Musical 4'?

Gina excepted and let Quinn end the call, once that call finished we all screamed in excitement "that's crazy!" Me and Carlos shouted at the same time. We finished the meeting and we were all ready to head home, I walked towards my car when I felt someone following me "Ash, what are you doing?" I asked her as she jumped a little bit "I wanted to ask you something." She started nervously "ask away." I said and then she stayed quiet for a little bit to find the right words "is it about you and Maddie?" I asked and Ash's eyes went wide then she nodded her head "look, is there something going on between you two?" I asked "maybe with me but Maddie's been a bit blunt with me at the moment, like she's not replying to any of my messages." Ash explained, I pulled my phone out and saw a few messages from Maddie and a few miss calls "that's because she's trying to talk to me." I spoke showing my phone to Ash "that makes sense." Ash said with a laugh.

"Well, I better get going. Do you need a lift home?" I asked Ash "could you?" She asked back "of course, hop in." I said as we both entered my car and took a ride to her house as we sung along with the song from my playlist. I dropped her off and then drove back to my apartment and started to right a song and it's named 'Call It What You Want', I sat at my keyboard and fiddled around with some keys and I nearly finished the song but it was already 11:10pm so I put the song to rest and headed to my room to read the messages from Maddie, then my screen was covered with Maddie's name.

Maddie's Calling:

Me: Hey.
Maddie: Hey, so you know you asked what we were.
Me: Yeah?
Maddie: Could we be...
Me: Dating?
Maddie: Yes! If that's what you want?
Me: Of course that's what I want!
Maddie: Alright.
Me: Alright. Goodnight.
Maddie: Goodnight.

I ended the call and I couldn't go back to sleep as I was wide awake now and full of energy so I finished my song that sounded pretty good.

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