Movie Night

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I woke up to it being dark outside, I looked around to only see Maddox pacing around the room "what happened?" I asked as I rolled over to face her "oh my gosh, I'm so glad you're awake. You passed out on me and I placed you on my bed so you were comfortable." She rushed out "how are you feeling?" She asked once she was calm. "I little tired but I heard a movie was being played tonight." "Yeah, High School Musical 3." "Yes, love that film." I spoke as I got out of the bed and wrapped myself in some comfy pyjamas "wanna sit with me?" She asked nervously. "Sure." I spoke as I grabbed my big blanket for us to share.

We got to the Barn to see Val holding the door collecting the tickets "welcome to movie night." She said excitedly as we walked through the doors. We found a comfy spot next to Ashlyn, I smiled at her as Maddox sat in between me and Ashlyn. I got up and grabbed us some drinks and popcorn for the movie, she thanked me and I gave her a smile. "Hey, does anyone know what happened in the cabin?" I whispered to Maddox, she shook her head to my question. "Did you want me to tell anyone?" She asked feeling guilty "no, it's alright." I said with a reassuring smile.

The film started but it was Camp Rock instead, which is a good choice as well, half way through the film both Ashlyn and Maddox got up to grab more popcorn and a drink. They stood there giggling and talking "shush." Ricky spoke towards them, they both giggled it off as they came and sat back down. The film came to an end and we all walked back to the cabin whilst talking about the film of the embarrassing moments through out, I got to the cabin first and jumped into the shower and cleaned my teeth before anyone else arrived. I faced the wall to hear if anyone was talking but only Ashlyn and Maddox "goodnight Ash." Maddox spoke "goodnight Mads." Ashlyn spoke back and they both went straight to sleep.

I waited about an hour to see everyone was deep asleep, I got out of bed and wondered around the campsite and sat at a bench to watch the stars "hey." Nini spoke "hey, what are you doing here?" I spoke as Nini sat down next to me "I believe you heard the talk between Ashlyn and Maddox and I knew you would need some air." Nini explained "well, you wouldn't be wrong about that." I said with a chuckle "you like her don't you?" Nini asked "Maddox?" I asked and she nodded "yeah, of course I do." "Then what's wrong?" "I just have this tiny feeling that Ashlyn may like her and might get in the way of me and Maddox ending up together." I said nervously whilst fidgeting with my fingers "hey, you'll figure it out. Don't you worry." She said as she gave me a hug and walked back to the cabin.

I stayed outside for a few hours. "Y/n?" I opened my eyes to see it was morning and Maddox was sat next to me still in her pyjamas "wow. Did I fall asleep on the bench?" I asked "you did." She said between laughs "what time is it?" "It's 5:06am." "Okay." I said as we walked into the cabin to see the others still sleeping. We both jumped back into bed and fell asleep in seconds until Carlos came in bursting the door open "wake up girls! We have an emergency meeting!" He shouted which woke most of them up except from me. "Y/n?" I heard again from Maddox "what now?" I groaned "there's an emergency meeting." She explained, I slowly got up and started to get ready which only took a few minutes.

Me and Maddox both joined everyone in the Barn, to see them sitting down in front of this board with both Val, EJ and Carlos stood at the front. "Well, I'm glad that everyone could join us, we don't have a lot of time." EJ spoke as we sat down in the spare seats. "Thanks, for coming in early. We've been up all night trying to make a plan to save the show." EJ started. "Sorry. Save the show?" Gina asked "Corbin thinks we're boring," Carlos said honestly "he's actually missing our rehearsal today to scout out the kids at Deep Lake Camp in Temecula." Carlos added. "That can't be a real place." Ricky whispered to me "I have no clue." I said with a shrug.

"But not to worry, because we have a plan. And it starts with five little letters. Watch what happens, fam." Carlos said excitedly "Ri-cos-il?" Gina asked confused "No. It's The Real Campers of Shallow Lake." Carlos explained "oh right." I said nodding to make myself feel like I understand "you don't understand, do you?" Maddox whispered to me "I don't." I whispered back with a chuckle. "The franchise I was always destined to join. I mean, you were." "Look, it's easy. You know how normally we act like regular people, pick up on social cues, care about our feeling?" EJ rambled on as Gina chuckled "do we?" She asked "Yes we do. But now that's over." EJ said confused to Gina's question.

"Because the key to any great reality show is the three B's." "Bombshells, betrayals and bitch slaps!" I shouted which made Carlos smile with proudness and everyone else gasped "look, I love the housewives as much as anyone, but how are we gonna pull this off when we're real students who don't have millions to burn and kids to blame?" Kourtney asked "can I be Team Kourtney on this?" Jet asked "no, here's what we're doing. Each of you has a role to play today." Carlos explained. "I'm sorry, Carlos, did you cast this?" Maddox asked shocked "I'm back, baby." He said excitedly. "And that's why you, Kourtney, get to be the judgy one." Carlos spoke as we applauded her.

"But do we want to look like villains on TV?" Ricky asked "I though you'd want to go sympathetic, which is why you get to be the jilted ex." Carlos spoke, which got a laugh from me. "Ashlyn, you've got a dark past." "I'm dying. Yes." She spoke getting into character. "Maddox, you're the crier." Carlos announced which had me bursting into laughter, Maddox did not look happy at all. "And, Gina-." "Ooh, I think we've already established that I can't improvise." Gina cut Carlos off. "She's awful." Ashlyn said to agree with her "I don't even have a comeback for that because I can't improvise." Gina said proving a point. "I got you, boo. You're the one with the catchphrase. Just say the same thing all the time in different ways." "Okay. What's my phrase?" She asked intrigued "don't get me started." EJ said "and you shouldn't." Gina spoke back.

"EJ's here for the wrong reasons. Val's the shrink. Jet's the bad boy and I will be the instigator." Carlos finished "what will I be?" I asked "you're the dramatic one." "Alright." I said happily. "I thought we were stretching for these parts." Kourtney spoke "good, I want a lot of that today." Carlos said with a smile. "I know that was a lot, but has everyone got all that?" Carlos asked and everyone started to leave "because there's more." Carlos added and everyone sat back down again.

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