Camp Prom - P2

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Maddox walked over to us with Madison "everyone, everyone. This is Madison of Mad and Mad Fame." Maddox said as she introduced Madison "what's up, Wildcats?" She said excitedly "we have heard so much about you." I said with a smile as Maddox chuckled "I have a long drive home." Madison said "I know." Maddox replied. "Y'all call when camp's over?" Madison asked "like I could forget your number." Maddox answered. They stared at each other as Gina walked out to find EJ then everyone started to split up around the Barn.

I made my back to the cabin when I saw the other girls walking out so I followed them all the way to the climbing wall "what's going on?" I asked Ashlyn "I think Kourtney's ready to beat the wall." Ashlyn answered excitedly. We stood at the bottom as she climbed all the way to the top and the excitement covered her face, we cheered in joy as she made it to the top "you know Gadget, you're one of us now, right?" I said with a smile and she smiled back at me. As we cheered for Kourtney, we made our way back to the cabins and we split up again. Me and Ashlyn went for a stroll around the area as we walked passed EJ and Maddox "I guess none of the new girls caught your eye this summer." EJ said "what's up, hippies?" I shouted at them excitedly as Maddox chuckled then smiled at both of us.

Maddox stopped staring as we were out of her sight "sorry, what?" Maddox asked surprisedly "which one were you looking at?" EJ asked "Y/n, but I don't think she likes me but I know that Ashlyn might do. So, maybe I might search with Ashlyn." Maddox spoke honestly "just don't let Y/n go yet." EJ answered as he walked away "what's that supposed to mean?!" Maddox shouted as EJ kept on walking. Me and Ashlyn both went back to the cabin and got some sleep as Maddox felt on edge as she walked inside of the cabin, we didn't take any notice as everyone fell asleep peacefully that night from all that dancing and singing.

The sun was finally up and Carlos made a plan to wake Ricky up as it was his birthday today but also the opening show which isn't til later. The girls were all huddled up in the boys cabin as we were ready to scream happy birthday at Ricky. "Okay, on three." Carlos spoke "on three or after three?" Kourt asked "not this again." Carlos spoke. "Happy Birthday!" Me and Maddox shouted at the same time and then everyone else joined in which he was scared to death by screaming as well. "And happy opening night, to those keeping track." EJ spoke "our show might be in danger, but right now our focus is Ricky." EJ added. "Guys, you shouldn't have. For real, you almost gave me a heart attack." Ricky spoke "well, the screaming was my idea." I said with a smile as everyone agreed "of course it was." He said as he punched my shoulder playfully.

"But wait. There's more." Carlos announced as Big Red came through the door holding a cake "please tell me these bunks are air-conditioned." He spoke as he entered the room "Biggie?" Ashlyn questioned "of course you showed up." Ricky said happily as he gave him a hug "we've spent every birthday together since pre-school." Big Red explained. "Yeah. And of course you brought a lotto ticket." Ricky said.
*I know Big Red hasn't because Nini has.* I said to myself.
"Brought a what now?" Big Red asked "A lotto ticket? It's the last thing on my bucket list." Ricky explained "that's why you're here, right?" Ricky asked "you walked on the moon?" Big Red asked "he actually did it all the summer. I'm Jet. Who are you?" Jet asked, Big Red placed down the cake before answering "I am Ashlyn's boyfriend." He said happily as they shared a hug.

Ricky cleared his throat "my friend first." He said with a smile as they shared another hug. "We good? I know last night was kind of-." "It's your birthday, we're good." EJ said cutting Ricky off. Ricky sat down as he got the cake in front of him, I lit the single candle with my lighter "make a wish." Jet said, Ricky closed his eyes and blew the candle out as we all cheered. "Wait, where's Gina?" Ashlyn asked as we looked at each other to see if any of the others have seen her. We soon found Gina doing yoga to free her mind for opening night and from everything else, the day went quite quickly with dress rehearsal which went very well and it was dark outside already.

I'm helping out with the crew as I'm not a big fan of costumes and bright lights so I offered to help Maddox out, I am currently helping some of the cast, including Ashlyn, by warming up their vocals with me on the piano "hey, you're boyfriend is adorable." Maddox spoke to Ashlyn as the other cast members moved away "well, so's Madison." I spoke and left the conversation "what's wrong with her?" Maddox asked but Ashlyn shrugged her shoulders. "Greetings, theatre children." Channing said happily "hey, camera guy." I spoke reciprocating his mood as I kept on walking. "Listen up, you see this camera? There are another ten of them planted throughout the theatre. It all comes down to tonight. Okay? Big new announcement, we will be live-streaming tonight's Frozen performance on Disney Plus in order to drum up interest in our documentary." Channing said excitedly.

He left and the others started to worry as this performance is live-streaming everywhere "settle down you guys. I was acting, okay? To get that jerk off our backs." EJ spoke which calmed everyone down "Channing may know what makes a good TV show, but we're theatre kids and we're gonna do tonight our way. Final decision." EJ ended and everyone agreed and started to get exited for this show.

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