Unhappy Campers

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Harmony appeared by Moxxie and Millie's room but they were no where to be found. She decided to check out IMP. When she got to the company there was a large investigation board in the office. Harmony looked at it closely to see the client didn't know who his killer was. "Since when do we do investigations?" Harmony wondered. She looked at the picture of a clinic which looked like a preteen boy. "Looks like a nice kid, what's he doing in Hell?" Harmony wondered. Harmony found out her parents are at a summer camp to investigate the murder. When she saw the name she almost puked.

Shaking her head she teleported to earth and left to find her parents but she didn't like what she saw. Especially Moxxie. "Who is stupid enough to believe that?" Harmony honestly wondered seeing her parents poor attempts to fit in. "Why did they need to be each other's gender? This is the most embarrassing I've ever seen them."

"All week it's been "Oh Millard! Isn't her great? Oh look how talented Millard is" We have a job to do and you're off dancing for views. Why does it matter so much how these yokels feel about you?" Moxxie yelled.

"It doesn't." Millie replied. "It matters how I feel about myself and for once I feel like I'm important, like I'm somebody to be proud of! And I had hoped that my husband would be there to support me half as much as I've supported him this week!"

"Millie, I didn't mean.."

"Save it Mox!" Millie snapped at him. "You could have finished that job anytime you wanted if you had just listened to me but you wanted to do things you're way. So fine, finish the job, go home, go home if you want to but I'm gonna have my moment with or without."

Harmony watched in horror. "Are they fighting? They never fight."

Millie then ran away in tears. Moxxie wanted to follow her but he got tangled up in the tent. "Oh crumps."

"Need a hand there pops?" Harmony asked as she walked forward.

"Harmony?" Moxxie said surprised. "Why aren't you in school?"

"I came home to give you and mom your invites to family day then I saw your crime scene board." Harmony answered as she got Moxxie out of the tent.

"I've been so selfish to your mom Harmony." Moxxie sighed.

"It's not too late to fix it." Harmony nodded over to the stage.

Before Millie could take the spotlight Moxxie got on stage. "Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. Are you ready for a show?"

"Get off fuck the stage!"

"Kill yourself nerd!"

Harmony made a mental note to get back at that bitch later.

Moxxie ignored them and continued. "I am very proud to introduce to you someone with abilities never before seen on Earth. Someone with the raw athletic skills of an olympian, the voice of an angel, the acrobatic technique of an indentured twelve year old Russian ballerina and a body that just doesn't quit."

"Fuck sake pops." Harmony quietly mumbled to herself facepalming.

Moxxie then realized he was overdoing it and turned back to the humans. "The best, and most supportive person I've ever known and the love of my life. My wif... Brother Millard."

Harmony saw Moxxie then jump off the stage and start heading to a boat house, normally she would make sure he wasn't doing anything stupid but right now she thought her mom needed her.

Moxxie started making his way to the bushes only to run into Blitzo and Hades. "What the? Sir?"

"Moxxie, what the fuck are you doing here?" Blitzo asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2023 ⏰

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