Loona: Cousin, Aunt, Big Sister all in one

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Harmony giggled as Loona carried Harmony to the park on her back so she wouldn't have to keep her eyes off her phone. "Loona, what do you do on that all day?"

"Lots of things kid. You can check out what's going on in the world, watch videos, play games, meet or talk to friends." Loona listed.

"What are friends?" Harmony asked.

"People you enjoy hanging out with." Loona answered.

"Are we friends?" Harmony asked.

"Nah kiddo, we're more like family." Loona said as she took the kid off her back and held her with one arm instead.

"Are we cousins?" Harmony asked. "I call Blitzo uncle and you're his daughter."

"I'm not sure kid, maybe more like an aunt or a big sister." Loona answered before setting her down. "Go play then I'll buy you an ice cream."

"Ok." Harmony smiled before rushing to the swings which was her favorite.

Loona answered some texts before she went over to Harmony and pushed her on the swings for a bit. "Wow kid, you're really really high." Loona then ran to the front and held her arms out. "Jump."

Harmony did so and jumped off the swings flying in the air for a moment before landing in Loona's arms making them laugh.

Loona heard her phone ring making her groan. "Harmony, I'll be back in a minute ok?"

Harmony nodded before going to find something else to play while Loona answered her phone. "The fuck do you want Blitzo."

"It's not him." Moxxie said. "I stole one of his phones since I don't have your number. Why does he have so many phones anyway?"

"Because she's always breaking them, duh." Loona rolled her eyes. "What do you want Moxxie?"

"Is Harmony doing ok?" Moxxie asked.

"She's fine mama bear, we're at the park she just got off the swings." Loona replied. "Is that it?"

Harmony just went down the slide and was about to go again until she saw some teen imps stare at her. It didn't bother her at first since lots of people are always staring at her hair but doing a double take they saw that they had water guns.

"Hey. Lets put that fire out!" One of them yelled.

"LOONA!!" Harmony screamed.

"Loona?" One of them chuckled. "What kind of sissy name is that?"

The boys heard a growl and turned to see Loona who was much taller then them. "You three fucking bastards think you can just mess with the kid I care about as if she were my own pup?"

The three of them stutter and starts saying random words that they hope will get them in trouble.

"Harmony, cover your eyes." Loona demanded.

Harmony did and she heard the three teens scream as Loona ripped them apart with her claws and teeth. Before she licked the blood off of her fur and picked Harmony up. "You can uncover your eyes now."

Harmony did so and hugged Loona as she walked. "Thanks Loona."

"Anytime kid." Loona smiled before she licked Harmony's head.

"Ew." Harmony giggled. "That's spit."

Unknown to them Loona never hung up the phone and Moxxie heard it all. Smiling to himself he hung up Blitzo's phone feeling proud. Harmony really did bring out the best in people. Even Loona.

Daughter of Hades AU Helluva BossWhere stories live. Discover now