Movie Night with Blitzo

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Harmony didn't know what woke her, the strange purring sound or that she felt eyes just staring at her. She knows her parents look in to check on her now and then but this felt different.

Slowly opening her eyes she saw Blitzo right in front of her face.

"What ya dreaming about?" Blitzo asked.

"Nothing." Harmony answered not knowing why he was in her room at night when it was still dark out.

"Nothing, well that's no fun." Blitzo grinned. "We should get you some dreams."

"How, I gotta be sleeping." Harmony said.

Blitzo lifted her up and carefully walked out of her room. "Now be very quiet, we don't wanna wake up your parents."

"Why?" Harmony asked.

"Because then they'll stop us from having fun." Blitzo answered.

Blitzo set her down in front of the tv that already had tons of snacks in their livingroom. Harmony saw lots of her favorites making her more excited. Harmony grabbed the nachos and cheese and lots of candy as she sat on the couch next to him.

"Bet your parents never let you do this huh?" Blitzo grinned.

"We watch movies together." Harmony answered.

"Do they allow you to eat like this?"


"So we both agree that I'm cooler than your parents." Blitzo smirked.

"What?" Harmony looked at him.

"Shh. Movie is starting."

Harmony and Blitzo got to at least the fourth movie until they heard Moxxie in the hall.

"WHAT THE?! SIR WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Moxxie screamed as he saw the mess in the livingroom, Blitzo with a mouthfull of popcorn and Harmony up WAY past her bedtime eating candy.

"Well my work is done, see ya all Monday." Blitzo waved before jumping out the window.

Moxxie growled in anger turning more red then normal as he glared at where Blitzo jumped out.

"Papa?" Harmony said breaking out of his anger to look at him.

"Want some?" Harmony asked as she held up some candy she knows he likes.

Moxxie sighed and walked over. "Harmony why are you out of bed?"

"Blitzo took me out of it."

Moxxie growled again before he turned off the tv. "Look at the mess he made."

Harmony snapped her fingers and it was all gone.

"WHAT?" Moxxie jumped in shock. "Harmony how did you do that?!"

"I don't know?" Harmony shrugged.

"Moxxie what's with all the yelling?" Millie asked as she walked in sleepy.

"Mama." Harmony ran over.

"What's wrong honet?" Millie asked concerned.

"Guess who broke into our house again." Moxxie growled. "Except instead of waking us up he woke up Harmony and gave her all that sugar."

"I had fun mama." Harmony promised. "We watched lots of movies and he told me funny stories and said I can start dreaming if I don't have any."

"That's it, I'm getting a security system!" Moxxie yelled.

"Why don't we all just go to bed and take care of this in the morning." Millie insisted. "Wanna stay with us tonight hon?"

"Ok." Harmony answered.

Moxxie mumbled to himself the whole walk back to his and Millie's room.

"Is papa mad?" Harmony asked her mom.

"He just thinks Blitzo showed have called us or let you sleep." Millie told her as she laid Harmony in the middle of the bed before she and Moxxie climbed in.

Harmony doesn't know why Moxxie looked so unhappy she had a great time tonight. She got to watch fun movies, eat lots of snacks and now she gets to stay with her parent for the rest of the night and hopes she can have more nights like this with her fun uncle Blitzo.

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