Grandparents visit

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"Moxxie." Millie cheered as she ran in. "Guess what, my parents are coming over to meet Harmony."

"What?!" Moxxie panicked. "So soon? We've only had her for a week."

"Oh come on Moxxie they're my parents and they're so excited to meet their granddaughter. They're a little upset we didn't tell them on the day we took her but I think they understand we needed time to get things settled."

"I just think it's a bit too soon." Moxxie admitted. "I mean I don't want Harmony to get overwhelmed more, this is a new place, with a new family."

"Oh Moxxie it's just my parents. All my siblings are staying at the farm besides it wouldn't be right to keep her away from them."

"Yeah but, them in the city? In our apartment? They don't even like me."

"They'll change their minds when they see what a great daddy you are." Millie assured before they heard Harmony whine and a bright firey light fill her room. "I'll get her hon."

Moxxie sighed wishing he had more time to prepare for his in-laws who think he's nothing but a weakling. Now he also have to worry about them bad-mouthing him in front of his daughter even if she isn't even a year old yet.

The next day Millie went to go wait for her parents on the streets while Moxxie was alone with Harmony. "Ok sweetie, mommy's parents are coming all the way from the ring of wrath to meet you." Moxxie said as he set her down before looking in her closet. "Let's find you something nice to wear ok?" Thinking it wasn't appropriate for her to meet them in her pajamas. When Moxxie found a nice outfit he thought would be good enough he turned to see Harmony wasn't where he left her. "Harmony?" Moxxie looked around the room confused thinking he would have heard her crawling around or babble a bit but he didn't. He looked under her crib and in her toy box but didn't see her anywhere. "Oh crumbs." Moxxie ran out of the room but stopped when he found her in the living room staring at his guitar. Moxxie chuckled relieved before he walked over and picked her up. "It's not music time yet sweetheart, I must have taken a long time looking if you were able to crawl this far."

Harmony hugged him making him smile. "I'm sorry for making you wait so long, thanks for forgiving me." Moxxie said as he kissed her head before carrying her back to her room. "Now let's get you out of your pajamas, oh wait, let's get the locket mommy got for you." Moxxie set her down again and opened up one of her drawers pulling out a gold locket that had a photo of the three of them together in it. "Here it is." Moxxie turned but once again Harmony wasn't there. "What the?"

Moxxie looked around her room again before walking out. "Harmony? Where'd you go now?" Moxxie walked past his room but then his eyes widened before he rushed back to see Harmony on his and Millie's bed holding one of his guns. "WHAT THE FUCK!!" Moxxie screamed before rushing over and taking the gun. "How did you get on the bed? You can't even walk yet." Moxxie asked confused before growling. "Sir! Are you here again?!" Moxxie yelled irritated thinking maybe it was Blitzo trying to screw with him again. "I swear sir, if this is your idea of a joke!" Moxxie looked under the bed before coming up to see Harmony gone again. "What the heavens is going on?!"

"Moxxie!" Millie sang out. "My parents are here, bring out Harmony."

"Oh crumbs, what am I gonna..." Moxxie was interrupted by Harmony hugging his leg.

"There you are." Millie smiled as she walked in with her parents. "Why is Harmony still in her pjs?"

Millie then happily took Harmony from Moxxie. "Ma, pa, this is Harmony. Mine and Moxxie's new daughter."

Lynn's eyes sparkled as she took Harmony and held her to her. ''Oh Mildred, she's beautiful."

"Isn't she." Millie agreed.

"I must admit." Joe said. "We were a little concerned when you told us you adopted a kid that ain't an imp but I gotta say she's quite the looker and she'll be one hell of an ass-kicker, I can tell."

"I'm glad you finally get to experience the joys of motherhood Millie." Lynn nodded. "Since your husband's too weak to give you your own."

"Ma don't start." Millie glared.

Harmony looked over and saw the sad look on Moxxie's face making her suddenly vanish out of Lynn's arms and into Moxxie's.

"What the fuck?!" Millie screetched.

"Wait, she can teleport?" Moxxie asked. "She can teleport! I'm not losing my mind!"

"Moxxie! Our baby can teleport!" Millie screamed.

"Oh crumbs." Moxxie gulped as Harmony disappeared again making her parents and grandparents continually look for her all day.

Daughter of Hades AU Helluva BossWhere stories live. Discover now