Harmony Writes a Jingle

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It was almost lunch time and Moxxie just got back with Millie from another murder. Moxxie opened the door to see Harmony was on the floor laying on her stomach looking like she was focusing really hard on something.

"Hey sweetie." Moxxie said cheerfully. "What you got there?"

"Blitzo said we need a new jingle so I'm trying to help." Harmony replied.

"Really? Can I see what you got so far?" Moxxie asked.

Harmony handed him the paper she was writing on.

There was a lot of misspelled words but Moxxie could make out most of it and to say he was shocked would be an putting it lightly. "Honey, this is amazing!"

"It is?" Harmony asked.

"Yes, we gotta show the others this." Moxxie said as he took her and ran to Millie. "Millie! You gotta see what Harmony wrote all by herself."

Millie took it and read it over. "Harmony did this?"


"Oh my talented little girl!" Millie cheered as she hugged Harmony tightly.

"Mama." Harmony whined uncomfortable from Millie's tight squeeze.

"Why the hell is Millie trying to strangle Harmony?" Blitzo asked as he walked in.

"Sir, look what Harmony wrote." Moxxie said proudly as he gave it to Blitzo next.

Blitzo read it. "Holy fucking shit this is good. Harmony wrote this?"

"Fuck yeah she did!" Millie cheered still hugging her daughter tight.

"Well I think we just found the jingle for our next commercial." Blitzo grinned.

Few days later everyone was in the IMP office ready to see how the jingle turned out.

Blitzo showed up on screen and did his normal introduction before it showed all three imps murdering humans.

Harmony tilted her head to the side as Moxxie was now on screen with his guitar.

"Papa, what are you doing?"

"Blitzo's idea." Moxxie sighed.

"I thought it would be more fun to make it into a musical." Blitzo smiled wide.


Slashing bodies
IMP will slash their bodies right

Blitzo then ran up next to Moxxie.
"Wait, wait, Wait a fucking second Mox, You Can Sing?!"

"Sir, the camera is on." Moxxie pointed.

Blitzo looked at the camera wide eyed. "Oh yeah." He then pushed Moxxie out of the way and finished the verse himself.
"I. M. P alright!"

Screen then showed Blitzo killing lots of humans while the music continued.

OH MY GOD we're gonna slash again
Cheating spouses or backstabbing friends
We're gonna bring the Murder i'll show you now
There and then we're gonna kill them now.

Moxxie and Millie were now on the screen killing together.

IMP is Serial




IMP is the only one



IMP will slice them up



IMP has every knife and gun we wish
To blow or gut them like a fish


Slashing bodies
IMP will slash their bodies right

IMP alright!

"I think we got a hit." Blitzo said before he turned it off.

Loona then broke the door down and threw the office phones on to the floor before crushing them.

"Loony, what's wrong?" Blitzo asked.

"The phones won't stop fucking ringing!!"

Daughter of Hades AU Helluva BossWhere stories live. Discover now