Harmony's Tour

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Ben heard what happened with Harmony. Fairy Godmother was still in shock by what happened. Ben had to remind Fairy Godmother that Harmony is a full Greek Goddess who is cursed to only ever tell the truth and she can't help it. Ben wanted to help Harmony see that she doesn't need to be in Hell to be herself. Ben noticed the door to her room wasn't closed all the way. He knew it was wrong to listen in but he heard Harmony talking to her imp father on the phone on speaker.

"I just snapped." Harmony sighed. "I'm sorry I let you down."

"It's only your first day honey." Moxxie told her. "Those are always the hardest, you know my first day at the company I was a total nervous wreck. Now look at me, I'm telling my boss off all the time. Point is you didn't let me down, your mom and I are so proud of you."

"I just don't understand why dad sent me here." Harmony admitted.

"Like he said, those three ladies are never wrong." Moxxie reminded her. "They came all the way to tell us that something big is going to happen and it's part of your destiny, even the prince said he saw something about you in the stars."

"I don't really care about destiny, I just wanna go home, I don't like it here." Harmony told him.

"I know honey but..." Moxxie was cut off by Blitzo.

"Is that Harmony?! Hey sweetie we miss you!"

"Sir! Go bother your own daughter!"

The two imps struggled each trying to talk to Harmony but the line went dead making Harmony sigh. "Uncle broke the phone again."

Ben carefully knocked on the door and let himself in. "Hey."

"Hey." Harmony gave him a small wave before putting his phone down.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to listen." Ben told her.

"It's fine." Harmony sighed. "How can you not want to? My uncle is hilarious."

"I'm sorry you don't like it here." Ben sat down next to her. "It must be so different than... down there."

"Not really." Harmony shrugged. "Full of selfish pricks and rich people making fun of the not rich, feels like home only difference is I have no family here."

"What about your cousin?" Ben asked.

"Family is made by love, not blood." Harmony told him. "Well to be fair I don't have any blood but you get my point. That dipstick looks like he wants to punch me into the lost souls just like his dad did to my dad."

Ben got up and held his hand out to her. "Come on, I'll show you that it can be better here. All you have to do is trust me."

Harmony looked at Ben's hand before carefully putting her hand in his.

Ben thought her skin would be really hot but it was actually warm and comforting.

"You might want to let go. Your girlfriend will be jealous." Harmony reminded him.

Ben showed her the places she hasn't been to you.

"Why the fuck are their lockers outside?" Harmony asked.

"Well..." Ben thought of a reason.

"Who's shitty idea was this?" Harmony asked. "What if it rains? Lightning storm? Zero below snow? Hundred degree weather?"

Ben frowns, he never really thought of that before. "I guess you're right."

"Let me guess, this is where you put the 'bad' kids. You know how their personal items can be damaged by having a metal locker out in the sun? Have you ever touched or went in a car after it was out in the sun all day?" Harmony asked.

Ben didn't realize it at first but Harmony was right all the VKs and future VKs were assigned outdoor lockers, at first he just thought it was because they didn't have enough inside.

"Oh and let me guess, the royals have a great location huh?" Harmony asked. "Land of goodness my ass. And what is this?" Harmony pointed to a huge rose bush right in the middle of the walk. "These have thorns moron, how many dresses have been ripped by these? And if anyone trips or gets pushed guess where they'll land. This stone path or a freaking full thorn rose bush."

Ben stood there stunned at how Harmony pointed out all the dangers and flaws the school had. Most surprising enough even though Harmony was saying she didn't like school or the people here it still showed she cared. 

Daughter of Hades AU Helluva BossWhere stories live. Discover now