Almost ten years

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Two imps were walking into the underworld debating on the ups and downs. After all these years they finally found their princess who was stolen. "Maybe we shouldn't tell him." Pain suggested. "The kid looked great and she's not a prisoner here like us."

"But she's in Hell and Hades has been going crazy looking for her." Panic disagreed as they slowly walked up to the doors of the throne room.

Hades was henched over his desk taking deep breaths the whole throne room was torched with ash.

"Um, your flamingness." Pain nervously said. "We're back from the festival."

"Just go away." Hades groaned.

"Are you alright?" Panic asked.

"Ten years." Hades growled as he grabbed a wine bottle and it broke in his hand. "My daughter will be ten in less than a month and I still haven't found her."

Both imps faces fell, Hades has been a mess since his daughter was stolen. No one has seen her and Hades has torn apart the whole island looking for her.

"I know she's out there, I saw her, how am I gonna get out of this prison to find her?" Hades asked himself before he once again flamed up. "You two still here?"

"Well..." Panic gulped. "We think we found her."

Hades flames went down. "What did you just say?"

"Well your angryness, we saw a kid about the princess's age with flaming blue hair at the festival." Pain added.

Hades grabbed them by their throats and growled. "I swear if you two are just saying this to get out of me using you two as targets..."

"We promise." Panic choked out. "We're sure that's the princess."

"The imp she was with even called her Harmony." Pain choked.

Hades let go of their throats with wide eyes. "That festival you went to, it's in Hell for imps."

"She was there, we promise." Panic coughed.

Hades clenched his fists causing them to flame up with fire. "You mean my daughter is hanging out with imps IN HELL!!"

Daughter of Hades AU Helluva BossWhere stories live. Discover now