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"Ok now sweetie, uncle Blitzo is gonna show you how to shoot a gun." Blitzo said as he kneeled down to Harmony handing her a small pistol.

"Papa said I shouldn't play with guns." Harmony told him.

"Yes but you see, papa isn't here." Blitzo grinned. Blitzo was watching Harmony as Moxxie and Millie plan Harmony's tenth adoption day. "Now what you wanna do it aim right between the eyes." Blitzo pointed to the wall that had a ton of pictures on humans on them.

"Uncle Blitzo, why do you wanna kill people?" Harmony asked.

"We only kill people that deserve to be killed, it's why hell is such a popular place." Blitzo told her.

"But there's good in them to isn't there?" Harmony asked.

Blitzo chuckled. "Oh Harmony, so young, so much to learn." Blitzo got the book and started taking Harmony to random places of the world. Showing her the bad while Harmony pointed to the good.


Look at how they crawl around

Upon the ground

Like little ants


Yes, but how they fascinate

Confusing fate

With what is merely chance


Isn't it a laugh?


Isn't it a shame?


Thinking there is someone in heaven to blame


Yes, but even while blaming fate for the lives that they lead

They hope for the lives that they need


Living every day 'til the day they die

Never getting answers


Yet still asking why

Going through the motions as if there will be a reward


While we stay eternally bored!


They're only human

They don't see

Who they are is who they'll always be

Only human, after all


So they push and they shove


With what they call love


'Til they fall!


Isn't it a farce?


Isn't it a waste?


Struggling to face what can never be faced


Yes, but maybe death can release something more than we share


I really don't know and don't care


They're only human

Standing still

Doomed to live pushing boulders uphill

Only human, after all


So they give and they take


Hoping someone will help break their fall


They will pray, curse, live, die

Never knowing their truth is another man's lie


Eat, sleep, love, hate

Like a leaf blowing in the wind


Watch them all vacillate!


They're only human

They can't see


All the years they could give you and me

Only human, after all


So they give and we take


'Til their silly hearts break


Looking down from above

I'm intrigued by their love


So we answer the call!

Blitzo grins and pats Harmony's head with affection. Harmony has Millie's bravery and Moxxie's kind heart.

Daughter of Hades AU Helluva BossWhere stories live. Discover now