|Love Is An Open Door|

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The days pass by in in flashes. It's like a movie on fast forward. And somewhere along the line, they blend in together.

The New Year starts off with Leaneira and her friends going to watch the ball drop in Times Square while Percy went with Annabeth down to Virginia as her plus one for her Dad's new year party with his job. Their Mother was on a date with her new boyfriend, Paul and they were someone on the strip to also watch the Ball Drop. They start their day with a brunch to keep Lea's mind off the fact that for the first time in years, the Jackson Family wouldn't be bringing the New Years in together. Afterwards, the girls shopped almost until they dropped at the stores that were still open for the day, splurging on new clothes and gifts for each other and for the boys with Drew's asshole dad's pretty black card that was a part of her inheritance.

(Drew would never let her boyfriend walk around in out of season clothes.)

Alabaster was the one to transfer them all to the Jackson apartment so that they could keep their hands free.

The group splits in half when Ethan dragged Drew to Rockefeller Center Rink and they smiled and glided around under the Christmas tree, loving as they always were and planned to be.

Lea and Alabaster had scoffed, both wondering why they decided to go alongside the couple before they were teleporting to Coney Island to go to the New York Aquarium. The two of them walk through excitedly, making gagging noises when people mistake them for a couple and playing up their act when they call them siblings. If anyone that knew her and really knew her had been paying close attention, they would have took note of the wide-eyed, child-like innocence in her eyes as the different sea creatures spoke to her and how genuine smile appeared on her face as she spun around.

It took little effort to cast spells that allowed some of them to be transported back to the ocean if it was not only what they wanted but also safe for them to do so.

The two of them had hurriedly left before someone realized that they were down at least 50 animals, sparing just a bit of guilt for the poor employees that would have to face the consequences of their actions.

Maybe they should send them a fruit basket or something?

They make it back to their friends just in time, taking hold of the hot chocolate that was gifted to them before they blinked and were suddenly standing atop of the Empire State Building. They all turned in shock, but Lea was honestly not surprised to see Hermes and some of the gods before them. Lea could recognize Apóllōn and Mr. D easily. From the way that Drew blushed and preened, she could rightly assume that absolutely gorgeous woman that made Lea want to recheck the name on her soulmark was her Mother and she could recognize Clarisse's dad, Ares, just as easily. Apóllōn inclined his head in greeting before ignoring them for the curly-haired male in his arms. Mr. D had his arm wrapped around a gorgeous brunette with glowing gold eyes that reminded Lea of Kirkê (and Lea then remembered that the goddess had said something about the children born from the lineage of Hêlios were able to be identified by their eyes that glowed like the sun and didn't Mr. D get married to his granddaughter or something?)

And Lea could easily guess who the blonde woman in a mimic of Princess Diana's revenge dress was just from the way that she was glaring at Lea and looking at her as if she was gum on the bottom of her shoe.

Lea suppressed the urge to smile smugly at her instead turning away to stand with Alabaster and Hermes and see how many people that they could hit with snowballs before they unpacked themselves.

(It was probably cheating to use mageia, but honestly, it brought a bit of variety to the game and the only way that they could actually still since they were thousands of feet in the sky.)

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