|Love like the Gods|

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Alabaster stopped her as she came near; eyes glowing under the sun as she glared death (again!) at Tántalos. That creep was nothing more than an overgrown bully picking on kids because he was bitter about his own life choices.

She was going to eat the fattest, juiciest hamburger with fries so seasoned that the smell would waft from the plate and a grande size glass of sprite — matter of fact, she was going to have one of Hermes' kids go get her a McDonald's sprite!

No, she should order a steak or a steak fajita!

Forget all of that, she was going to have a spread! For the entire camp! How about them apples, asshole!

Lea blinked innocently when he walked into the dining hall to see her setting up the spread for the other campers alongside —- her only request to Hermes which he was happy oblige — a meal filled with food of the gods as they were unable to eat mortal food for Lord Dionsyos that filled the head table alongside a new chair that she had the Hephaistos' cabin and satyrs work on together – a nice pretty mini throne made of vine-leaves and grapes or ivy-leaves and berries and topped with a pine cone and a artichoke. His hymns – both Homeric and Orphic – had been carved into the wood and his epithet Dimêtôr – twice born – referring to Dionysos' two births and Diòs huiós referring to him being a son of Zeus were shining in a pleasant mix of gleaming gold and incandescent purple.

It was easy to see the desperation on Tántalos' face as he took in the middle and the way his features scrunched together whenever he caught sight of the epithets alongside the throne. And to top it off, Hermes had sent her some weird priest outfit that she wore alongside the nymphs as they tended to Dionysos who had already been informed of the plan by his elder brother.

The god had hid a wide smile behind his chalice of White Grape Ciroc Vodka when the demidivine had turned to Tántalos if the spread reminded him of old times; "You know before the lightning struck?" Tántalos had gotten so mad that he ordered her to do kitchen patrol-scrubbing pots and platters all afternoon in the underground kitchen with the cleaning harpies alongside her brothers and Annabeth.

Lea had only shrugged, bowed to the Holy Son of Zeus Panellênios who of course overruled the order on the principle that as blessing to the Radiant Son of Zeus Panellênios. Lea smiled sharply at that; one that was reflected by Lord Dionysos, a glint of malice in both of their eyes as they looked at Tántalos' reddening face. The ghastly man had ordered a special luncheon banquet to celebrate Clarisse's chariot victory-a full-course meal featuring country-fried Stymphalian death-bird. And Dionysos didn't disagree — it was her Father's pets of course — and had the girl sit at the High Table with them.

It didn't mean much to Lea who still went down to visit her brother. Her nose scrunched at the entire thing, but the harpies did their best to accommodate her and made sure that she stayed out of the way of the lava they used instead of water.

And that's how she came to know that the best form of teaching was learning things on her own and checking her sources because once Percy explained their dream to Annabeth well... her education left much to be desired.

"If he's really found it," the blonde murmured, "and if we could retrieve it-"

"Hold on," Percy said. "You act like this ... whatever-it-is Grover found is the only thing in the world that could save the camp. What is it?"

"I'll give you a hint. What do you get when you skin a ram?"


Lea snickered, twirling her finger through the air and inwardly smiling at the green mageia that danced swirled around her hand. "A fleece, dummy. The golden fleece."

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