|There is always madness in love.|

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It was actually kind underwhelming that when they reentered the maze... they were back in the sewer-like area from before. Well, at least Lea thought it was the same. She didn't spend her times in sewers to know. Though it could be different.

They were in a factory-sized cavern. The rock walls bristled with old cables, pipe, and lines of brickwork- maybe the foundations of old buildings. Busted water pipes, possibly old sewer lines, sent a steady drizzle of water down the walls, turning the floor muddy. Lea grimaced her. She did not want to know what was in that water.

There wasn't much light, but the cavern looked like a cross between a construction zone and a flea market. Scattered across the cave were crates, toolboxes, pallets of timber, and stacks of steel pipe. There was even a bulldozer half-sunken in the mud.

Even stranger: several old cars had somehow been brought from the surface, each filled with suitcases and mounds of purses. Racks of clothing had been carelessly tossed around like somebody had cleaned out a department store. Worst of all, hanging from meat hooks on a stainless steel scaffold was a row of cow carcasses- skinned, gutted, and ready for butchering. Judging from the smell and the flies, they weren't very fresh. It was almost enough to make Lea turn vegan, except for the pesky fact that she loved a good pepperoni pizza.

The most disturbing thing though was the person also hanging from the meat hooks bound tightly rope and a bunch of chains.

Lea couldn't even find the energy to ignore them.

She and Medea moved as one towards the hooks.

"You got a spell?" Medea asked casually. Lea gave herself a moment to wonder why the other girl was just so casual about Lea having powers.

Still, she nodded her head. "Yeah, I think so." She pulled her grimoire out, flipping through the pages quickly. She did a mental check on her mageia. Still a bit - a lot - out of her comfort zone and she should really see if she could stop the storm that she had conjured. She aimed her ring at the metal, and took a deep breath. "Salt of earth and salt of ocean, I call on you to stop this motion." Green sparked around her ring. "Iron seize and joints grasp, mortis in a rusting grasp." A beam of light shot from her ring and they both only had a moment to say Oh, shit! before the person and the nasty cow carcasses fell towards the ground.

Medea threw her hands out and the landed on some kind of trampoline type of thing. Salome growled, sniffing around the carcasses.

"No," Lea protested as they eased him off the thing. "You don't know where that has been and its in a sewer now. No." The kitten sighed before pushing at person. Lea and Medea both pulled out some wet wipes and cleared the dirt away as much as they could. And it didn't take much for Lea to recognize the face of one Mr. Magnus Chase.

Well... that was easy.

"We should clean his wounds first," Medea said, looking around. "Then rest a bit after we're finished."

"I am not sleeping in a sewer and cleaning his wounds in this place is counter productive to his health."

"I'm okay," a third voice groaned. Both girls screamed and Magnus slammed into the ground as they dropped him. "Ouch."

"Good going, Medea. Give him brain damage on top of it," Lea snarked.

"You dropped him!"

"You were holding him too!"

"You let go first!"

"Your hands were under mine!"

"I thought heaven was more peace and angelic beings." The body under them groaned. The two girls immediately quiet down. "Less arguing."

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