|All you need is love.|

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When Lea woke the next morning, she and Tyson were greeted with the sight of Percy shivering in front of the saltwater fountain. Salome was wrapped around him, carefully out of the way of the great stone font, but close enough to offer comfort.

"Percy," Lea murmured, kneeling down beside him.

He was almost cold to the touch even with Salome pressing against him. He was a bit unresponsive. "Tyson, start the shower in the bathroom. Turn it all the way up to hot." Her half-brother went to do as she ordered while she pushed the remains of the fountain away. "Salome, come lay on top of him. We need to get him a little warm before we place him in the shower."

While they were doing that, Lea turned to the pieces of the great stone front. Her hands hovered over it uneasily as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. This was an easy spell. She used it all the time. It was simple. She reached within her for her mageia, concentrating on the feel of it. She needed a lot, but not too much. She needed less, but not too little. She molded it carefully and surely. "Personal loss should not be mine," a green glow flickered around her hands like a sputtering lightbulb. "Restore this fountain and make it fine."

The glow burned brighter until the three siblings watched as it pieced itself together like someone pressed rewind. Lea turned to her brother, taking in the bags under his eyes and a blank look that settled onto his face. "Tyson, help him into the shower. I'll pack his things." As they left, she set about carefully placing tracking spells on literally everything he had, especially Riptide which didn't like her messing around with it, but submitted to it anyway because Lea was not losing her brother to the killer maze. She packed his knapsack—thermos with nectar, baggie of ambrosia, bedroll, rope, clothes, flashlights, and lots of extra batteries.

She pulled some clothes out for him, knocking on the bathroom door for Tyson to pass to him before following her half-brother out the cabin to go to the community bathhouse. She walked into the female side while he entered the male side. Lea took her time in the shower, making sure to lather her hair in the newest products from Khryseê, Drew's personal care product line. Using only naturally grown ingredients and using one of her Mother's epithets, the products are always going out of stock within minutes. She also took the chance to use a few of the serums from Kythereia, the personal care product line created by the entire Tenth Cabin which also acts as scent neutralizers.

Once she was dressed, she met up with her brothers as the quest group headed for Zeus' fist. It was a clear morning. The fog had burned off and the sky was blue. Campers would be having their lessons today, flying pegasi and practicing archery and scaling the lava wall.

Lea had other plans that would be put into place as soon as she was able to ditch the others.

A somewhat easy thing to do as Drew and Ethan were walking arm and arm through the woods, no doubt they were going for a breakfast picnic.

Lea brushed her arm against Percy's, a subtle spell lingering around his bellybutton as she turned to fuss with his clothes. The wristwatch shield that Tyson made was sitting snugly on his wrist. Lea turned to her other brother, brushing back a few strands of hair as she brushed lint away from his shoulders.

Juniper and Grover stood apart from the group. Juniper had been crying again, but she was trying to keep it together for Grover's sake. She kept fussing with his clothes, straightening his rasta cap and brushing goat fur off his shirt. Since we had no idea what we would encounter, he was dressed as a human, with the cap to hide his horns, and jeans, fake feet, and sneakers to hide his goat legs.

Chiron, Quintus, and Mrs. O'Leary stood with the other campers who'd come to wish them well, but there was too much activity for it to feel like a happy send-off. A couple of tents had been set up by the rocks for guard duty. Beckendorf and his siblings were working on a line of defensive spikes and trenches. Lea knew that she should go over there to be guided by Lou Ellen and Alabaster to place defensive spells around them also. A couple of proximity spells and whatnot. Chiron had decided that the Labyrinth needed to be guarded at all times.

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