Chapter 46 - TOGETHER

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Tatiana Grant

Five months later...

I have been stressing all day long about the acceptance announcement. It'll be out in 2 minutes, and hopefully, I'll get in Harvard or Standford. I don't mind going between those two.

I turned to Kayden, who was busy sipping his coffee.

He's chilling when I'm stressing out.

"Mon Avenir, why are you stressing out?" I wanted to smack his head so severely for asking that question.

This is one of the reasons why I hate him, and he's too positive thinking about my acceptance letters. He always told me that I'd get into Harvard no matter what. I even asked him if he pulled some strings so I could get into Harvard.

He said, "I mean, I was never interested in invading the education system, but I think it's such a great idea, Mon Avenir. I can play Russian Roulette to pick people that can get into the Ivy League."

I ignored him for two days after hearing that answer.

After he begged me for forgiveness, he told me that he'd been thinking about the ideas that I gave him about invading the education system. He's been in contact with NYU for it.

Marrying a Billionaire is such a big mistake.

"So you're blaming me now?" I asked him, raising my voice. "I just forgave you, and you're blaming me for giving you ideas?" I repeated my question, which made him grin.

"Go sleep in the headquarters, you old man!" I grabbed his arm, dragging him to the door.

"Old man?" He was offended.

"You're turning 30 soon, so yeah!" I opened the door and pushed him out of our apartment. He apologized again, and he even bought me roses.

Back to the present, I kept glaring at Kayden, and he turned to me. He pushed the coffee cup towards me, thinking that I wanted it.

"What if I don't get in?" He raised his eyebrows, looking at me like I said something bizarre.

"Princess, you have an outstanding score in your previous school, and your statement was touching. If you don't get in, something went wrong with the system." He kissed me on the cheek, trying to cheer me up.

"One minute left."

"I bet you got into Harvard." He said confidently how I wished I had that confidence even to hope I would.

"You applied to 6 colleges. Which one will you open up first?" Tears started to fill my eyes, and I ignored Kayden's question because my eyes were glued to the time.

There are ten seconds left.

"Mon Avenir, you'll get in. If you don't, you can be my rich housewife." I clicked on the first tab, and my hands were shaking.

The first one is Yale.

I logged in, and I closed my eyes.

"What is it?" I asked Kayden.

"Shit." I turned to him, "Sorry, I was closing my eyes with you. I'm fucking nervous." My eyes led me to the screen, and it said WAITING LIST.

"Fuck. What does a waiting list mean? Why are they treating you like you're in a fucking restaurant?" I can't even laugh at his remarks. I clicked on the second tab.

The second one is UCSF.

I logged in, but this time, I didn't close my eyes.

When I saw the word ACCEPTED, I squealed. I turned to Kayden and hugged him. He kissed me, and I went back to the third tab.

The third one is Standford.

I logged in and turned to Kayden, "Check it for me." I closed my eyes and leaned back as Kayden opened the letter for me.

"I'm sorry, Mon Avenir." I sighed when he said that. I opened my eyes, and it said that I had gotten into the WAITING LIST. Usually, people who get waitlisted have a small percentage of getting in.

"Do you want to check Harvard after this?" So far, I have been listed for Stanford and Yale. I dared not check my Harvard acceptance letter because seeing Standford and Yale's letters was enough to lose all hope.

"Let's check it." Kayden clicked the Harvard tab for me. He logged me in, and I closed my eyes, waiting for Kayden's reaction.

Silence filled the room for a few minutes.

"It's okay. You don't need to lie to me, I know-"

"I guess we're moving to Boston." My eyes snapped open, and Kayden already zoomed into the acceptance letters. He zoomed in at the ACCEPTED word. Tears escaped my eyes, and I cried like a baby.

Kayden chuckled.

"I knew you would get into Harvard. It's impossible for them not to accept you, Mon Avenir." He hugged me, and I cried so hard in his arms.

Everything that I did to get into medical school was worth it.

"I can't wait for you to be a doctor, baby." I nodded as he wiped my tears. "I'm so proud of you."

"Will you be able to do long distance?" I asked, and he looked at me like I was growing a beard.

"We are moving to Boston together, Princess. We're not doing that fucking shitty long-distance relationship. Long distances are for pussies." I smacked his arm, chuckling.

"Are you sure? What will Asher say?"

"He already knew about it from the get-go. He doesn't mind as long as I'll return after you graduate." I threw myself at him and hugged him tightly.

"I love you so much."

"I love you more." He said, and I squealed. I pulled away and looked at the acceptance letter again. I still can't believe this. Kayden grabbed my hand, and he slipped something into my ring finger.

My attention fell on it, and it was a beautiful red ruby ring at the center of the ring, and there were two small pink diamonds on both sides of the red ruby.

"Kayden, I-" I was speechless.

"I know we're both already married for almost six months, but I would like to redo the vows with you. I want to throw us a grand wedding for the world to see you're mine, Mon Avenir. Will you-"

"Yes!" I squealed and kissed him.

The End

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