Chapter 34 - NOT YOURS

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Tatiana Knight

When I saw four men pointing their guns at Kayden, I was terrified, but Blake shook his head, indicating they would not hurt him.

I trusted Blake.

That's why I acted like it didn't bother me at all. Blake took me inside, and then I heard a gunshot. Blake was dragging me down when I insisted on returning to Kayden. Blake picked me up on his shoulder and took me to his office, where he locked the doors.

I threw him everything I saw, and Blake complained like a woman on their period.

"He'll live. Three bullet wounds won't kill him." I threw a flower vase at him, and he dodged it. "We're married, remember? You're supposed to be on my side!" Tears started filling my eyes.

"You said you want him to feel pain. He sent you off after showing you his dark side. I'm doing you a fucking favor!" I threw a remote at him, and it hit his arm. I ran to the door, trying to open it.

"Open it, Blake!"

"No. They're not finished with him yet." I started to cry so loud that Blake covered his ears. I grabbed a pillow and started beating him. He's going insane because of it.

After fighting for more than ten minutes, he opened the door. I pulled him out of his office and returned upstairs, but Kayden was gone.

All I saw was a pool and droplets of blood on the concrete floor.

I grabbed Blake's hair, "Take me to him."

"Tatiana, I'm going to fucking kill you." He hissed as I led him to the lift.

"I'm going to kill you first. Lead me to him!" He led me to the medical center and burst inside. The first thing that I saw from Kayden was his wounds and his black eye. The doctor was stitching it, and Blake even got a guard to watch him.

My eyes landed on the table and stole a scalpel.

"Mon Avenir, what are you doing?" Kayden asked, but I ignored him.

"I'm going to fucking kill you, Lockwood." I ran out from the medical center, and Blake was waiting for the lift as he ran his hand through his hair, fixing the mess I had created.

He turned to me and immediately ran after seeing a scalpel in my hand.

"I'm going to kill you, Blake," I screamed and chased him down the hallway.

"I didn't shoot him. I was with you, remember?" He stopped right at a dead end and raised his hands.

"Your friends hurt him!"

"He deserves it. I'm doing a favor for you." I put the scalpel in front of his face. "Look!" He pointed something behind me, and I saw Kayden walking out of the medical center.

I kicked Blake's shin and ran to Kayden.

"Sir, we need to finish it." The doctor ran after him, and I grabbed his arm, dragging him back to the medical center. I forced him to sit down, and I grabbed a chair.

Kayden's eyes were glued to me.

"Are you married to Blake?"

"Yes." No. "Do you want to see the marriage certificate?" I asked, glaring at him. He shook his head and turned his attention to his wound.

"Why do you care?" His head turned.

"I should not have sent you here. I'm sorry."

"You should be sorry." I crossed my arms in front of my chest, glaring at him.

"You wanted to go to Blake. I wasn't in my right mind back then." He was avoiding my eyes, and I looked out the window.

"I was scared. How do you expect me to react to something I had never seen before? I was terrified and scared, and who wouldn't react like that?" Kayden closed his eyes and sighed, "Why are you here? You made it clear by making a restraining order against yourself."

"I can't stop thinking about you." Me too. "I've been having a hard time functioning with my life." Same. "I want to apologize and take you back to Seattle with me."

"I accept your apology, but I'm not going anywhere with you. I'm married to Blake, and we are going to London in three days to have a wedding ceremony there. I can give you our invite-"

"Divorce him."

"No. I'm not divorcing Blake."

"Divorce him, Mon Avenir."


"Divorce him. We'll get married in London next week, and you'll come back to Seattle with me." I let out a long sigh.

"Can you at least explain why you suddenly snapped?" My question made him so stressed that it silenced him for a few minutes. The doctor closed his stitch with a bandage and left us alone.

"You reminded me of my mother, Mon Avenir. She's just like you: very bright, kind, always smiling, and never thought badly of other people. She was a lawyer, and she helped poor people for free. After I was born, my family never really wanted me. They hated me without any specific reason. They hate me for existing."

"My father cheated on my mother, abused her, and treated her like shit. Some people told me I took my father's personality because I was thirsty for violence. I was not too fond of it. I never liked it when people said my father and I were similar."

"After I got kidnapped and tortured, something within me wanted revenge, and that's why I broke my family's legs. I ran away to New York after knowing that none of my family members cared about me."

"Then, after years of hating that I was so similar to my father, I accepted it. I hurt you so many times that I should have let you go. You have a bright future in front of you. Being with me will only make you miserable because I don't know if I'll ever snap and act like my father toward you."

"It was better for me to stay away. Watch you from afar, but then I realized that I couldn't. Watching you from afar wasn't enough. I want you to be by my side. I know I'm being selfish for wanting you to stay with me when I know I'll hurt you one day." His blue eyes were looking at me, full of hope.

"If you can't promise me that you won't hurt me, what's the point of going back with you to Seattle? I know you did because you were treated wrong in the past, but if you don't want to change for the better and promise me that you will never hurt me again, I'd rather stay married to Blake." I said truthfully.

"I'm sorry." He said, and it came out as a whisper. I got up and planned to leave the medical center, but I wanted to ask him one last thing.

"Mon Avenir, what does it mean?" I asked without turning to him.

"It means my future in French."

"You should stop calling me that. I'm not yours."

BLOODHOUNDS #2: THE TAKEROù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant