Careless X Caring

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As we came back to the arena, I immediately felt someone glare in my back, but since I couldn't understand who that was I decided to shurg it off and happily greet Gon, Zushi and Naoko.

As Killua followed me, he turned his back too to see whoever was behind us, but instead of shrugging it off as I did previously, he smirked slightly and excused himself, saying that he had someone to call.

I wondered what he wanted to call and I decide to spy him. Conjuring a little microspying device and putting it on the back of his t-shirt, I smirked as he went back to his room and I activated the mini-computer screen that would have made me look where he was, what Killua was doing and what he was saying. I watched as he seriously came to his room and picked up the phone, asking someone about where Sadaso, Gido and Rihevelt rooms were.

As he recived his answer I saw him smirk deviously and getting out of his room again, he headed towards Rihevelt'a room, he entered without a sound and he got near the man in some swift and unheard steps.

-How did you dared touching [Name], trying to kidnapp her just for a stupid fight, I'll make sure you will not do that again!!-

And with that he pointed a dagger to his throat, threatening again the poor fighter, that was so scared that began to tremble and stutter.


I wondered if I should have stopped Killua before he killed one of them, but then I asked myself why I should even care: they were evil people who also tried to kidnap me, why would I want to save them?

For not making Killua an assassin again.

I stood up and began to run, getting to meet with Killua as he got out from a scared-for-his-life Sadaso, wich was also preparing for leaving.
-it's ok like this Killua, no need to scare of someone else... I mean... I'm fine now... and....- he smirked evilly as he pinned me to a wall:-it's not at all ok, those three bastards dared to hurt you, and I can't just sit down and act like this never happened. What would have you done if they hurted you more?? Uh??- He was really so worried about me? I felt like I wanted to smile but I knew I couldn't let him win like this:-I bet they are already scared enaught, and then we are in a fighting arena, why scare them behind the scenes when you can make them piss of their pants in front of the whole city?- Killua's eyes widened in a creepy manner at my statement, then he lowered his head to be at the same height as mine and he kissed me.
-You are a genious~ I really love you!!-
I blushed hard as I felt unable to talk more, my leg began to tremble as I struggled to keep myself standing, but as I tought I would have fainted, Killua picked me up and said sorry.

Sorry?? Sorry?! What he is sorry about???

But as I wanted to yell at him for being sorry over nothing, another memory got it's way into my mind.

Lalah was standing in between me and Killua, as our moms were talking at the other side of the park, I had a nice white dress and my sister was smiling happily, talking about strange things like "Killua, would you like to take [Name] in marriage and love her with all your hart and bla bla bla?"

Wait a second. Rewind the time a bit.... white dress.... marriage.... LALAH WAS GETTING ME AND KILLUA TO MARRY EACH OTHER????

I looked over Killua who was smiling at me and nodding, then Lalah looked at me and asked me the same thing. What I was going to say?? We seemed like having almost 5 or maybe less years old, and my sister(not a priest or anything like that) was celebrating, it must have been a pretending game.
I nodded happily and smiling, then Lalah said to Killua that he may have kissed the bride, and he took my hand and pulled me near him, circling my waist with his arms and then our noses come to touch.
A moment later we were really kissing as our lips connected.


Nice to know that my first kiss was Killua, not nice to know it happened when I was five.

I felt someone tap my shoulder as I opened my eyes again, and I got to meet Killua's worried gaze as he asked me why I fainted all of a sudden.
-I had a memory... about marrying you.- I said bluntly, wondering what would have been his reaction, I guess he was going to blush, say that it was just a game or other tsunderish act like that, but what actually happened surprised me.

He smiled softly at me and hugged me, as he said that he was happy that I remembered.
-maybe in that time it was just a game, but you know.... I really want to make that game reality.- I blushed even harder then when he kissed me.

He shouldn't remember what happened when the string snapped, so why is he acting so romantic??

I looked at him with wide eyes as he kept smiling:
-I really live you [Name], thanks for always being with me.-


-so [Name], you and Killua.... Killua and you....- Gon said smirking deviously as his best friend said to him what happened the two mintes before:-I'm so happy about you two~- he said again, teasing me to blush again, but I managed to strike the perfect poker face:-soon you'll have your fights against those three, you should prepare yourselves!!- I said stoically, tring to be the serious one of he group, but Gon pointed at me and went to yell at Killua:-Killua!! Your girlfriend is ruining our fun!!- he complained, smirking even more as the other boy came near me and embraced me from behind, whispering softly in my ears to not worry and that they knew what to do.

I was starting to feel like punching them when Naoko came there and yelled that she was going out with Kastro and to not worry again about his "sweet ad awesome boyfriend", then she entered a portal and me, Gon and Killua stood there speechless, while in a corner Zushi was crying becouse he tought to have a chance with the memory erasing girl.

What a strange life did I put myself inside???

Hope that you liked the meals as you previously liked the menu~

I want to tell you a little thing about me. This week I've been totally blocked, I didn't have a clue on what to write or how to write, so I decided to stop for a bit until I had the right ideas, but then I saw and read the comments that you made and how so many liked my story: 8K!! And then I decided to write again and the worda just kept spelling themselves out from me, this chapter is for all the readers that, even now, are enjoying my story and I'm really, really, really glad I've get to meet.


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