Hell x Heaven x Arena

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My father wanted to talk with me before I learned about nen, ok, seemed legit, but why my sister had to go away? As Lalah exited the room, he hugged me and I felt his tears:-Finally you are one again!- I heard him whisper as my dad sobbed.
I stared at the mirror of the room asking myself what really changed now. I felt exactly as I was before.
-I bet you don't remembered anything about the past and the division you had, but the time of answes isn't yet arrived.-
I tought on how I should have triggered my memories to return...

Trigger, trigger... GUN!

Pakunoda's memory bullets! With them I will be able to regain everything in a bang! But if I let her read my mind she will discover about Kurapika being the chain user and her and Uvogin death.... I have to sort of something about it, but I have still time, I need to properly learn how to use nen and discover my Hatsu.
-I know you are planning something in that busy mind of yours, but remember to be careful and care for yours and your friends safety too.- I nodded absentmindly at dad warning as I was still thinking about my nen ability, then my dad smiling messed with my hair and said that I have grown in a very fine girl. Then he exited the room, letting my sister enter again.


She opened my Shouko and I immediately mastered the ten, as many times I tried when I was stil a normal fan of HxH, it was fairly easy, I just had to picture in my mind wich form I wanted my aura to be and that changed easly.
-You have a great control, that's good.- I heard my sister praise, as she tought me also Zetzu and Ren, but I easly mastered them as I did with Ten. Now, I tought, it's time for Hatsu!

I wonder wich type I will have.

I looked at my sister as she took a glass and filled it with water, then she moved it towards her lips and drank. I stared at her confused, as she filled another glass and gave it to me:-Drink it, I bet you're fairly tired, right?- I tried to make a sound of my surprise, but I could nothing about this, my sister said that I was too inexperienced for Hatsu yet.
I screamed in disappointment, as I asked her to get in the hunter wordl for training with Killua and Gon, and she nodded:-Ok, go there, but you have to get kidnapped instead of Zushi.- I wondered why she wanted that and she said that in the world she took the poster from I was kidnapped.
-If you really want an happy ending with that brat, you better follow my instructions.-

But then I realized, if they were just arrived to Heavens Arena, it would take two weeks for them to reach the 200th floor and another month for Gon to be able to fight Gido after they tried to cheat. So now I still have to wait a lot of time before at Lalah's instructions, I should return into the story.

-But.... isn't still early about it?-
I asked her, since she was already creating the portal for me:-You need experience before the kidnapping, good luck!- and she pushed me into the portal, as I fell on something soft and that smelled like chocolate.


-[N-Name]!!! you are back!!- I heard the boy under me say happily but embarassed, maybe from our position, so I got up only to be hugged tightly by Gon, who said that he reached the 100 floor in two days!

We catched up quikly as we went to the bar for a hot chocolate, talking about everything that happened from when we met at the Hunter Exam until now, laughing and just having fun, then Killua took my hand and asked me if we could go somewhere alone, while Gon was smirking as hi friend just had a brilliant idea.
I followed Killua confused and surprised as he guided me towards a huge glass window, where you can see all the city lights that now were shimmering.
-About my Father's promise, I don't think he would know if you tell me that thing...-he started to say, but I interrupted him right away:-The string has Nen...wait, do you know what nen is??- I paniked as I worried about telling him the truth too early or not. I previously used gyo for checking it out and the bracelet, founding Silva's nen, whatever was the damage of me saying those secret phrase.

-Wing explained me and Gon something but I have the feeling that's all a lie...- I nodded, understand exactly the situation:-Wait until the 200th floor, then the answers will arrive.- I answered mysteriously, smiling at the boy in front of me.

-should I sign up too to the Arena?-I asked Gon and Killua as we reunited to the bar, and they gave me two opposite answers: Gon said yes, while Killua said no.
-Why not?- I asked Killua pouting, as he put his hands on my shoulders in a seruois matter and looking me straight in the eyes he said that as a female, I couldn't fight for my own good.

Whaaat??? You sexist...

I got angry at this words and I shook him up yellong: -Do I seem weak?!- Gon tried to stop me, but I kept shaking Killua that looked like he regretted what he said.
-I just.... care about your safety.... t-that's all...- he said his voice a bit craked by my arrassing.
-Care?- I whispered, then in a higher voice:-So you are worried?- I smiled and deadly hugged my favourite ex assassin:-Kyaaaaaaaa~♥- I started to fangirl as he blushed and started to stutter that I got that wrong, but I didn't care about the tsundere act tjat followed, I was just too happy to hear those words from him.

Wookie note~

Hello!! As usual I want to thank all the readers and who comments and like, and my prof said that he likes my story too, even if he noticed some errors I hope that you didn't ;P.... whatever, if you are finding some errors or anything like that please say it. I want to make the Best killuaxReader ever, so I need also some haters... u.u
My name does not come from Sword art online, beater is becouse I stared off beta reading a friend story, so she said that I was a BEta reAdER, but I was wathing SAO in that period, so I got a bit of the idea from that too~~
I also love love my fans tough!

Killua x reader: Fear and BravenessHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin