Forget x Remember

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I have a list of things I need to do for now:

1_Find Gon and convince him to let me search Ging with him. Easy task, I just have to become his friend, and I wanted to do that from the start. I mean, it's Gon! Who doesn't want to be his friend??

2_Find Ging and ask him about mom and whatever else that will need answers from the epic hunter I will find along my journey with my epic friend Gon.

3_Find who "That person" my father told me about is and find answers about this parallel world thing.

But I have several problems:

1-Where am I?

2-When am I in the story line?

3-How do I reach my goals?

I tough of a solution: the certain place I know that is not infested by mafia and creepy thieves or chimera ants is the Kukuuro mountain, even If it's infested by assassin, I may know a way to save myself. There if Killua is still at home, he will certainly go to the hunter exam, so if I go to the Padokia republic, and I find Killua and make a deal with him before he takes the Hunter Exam, all the problem will solve, because he will certainly meet Gon, Kurapika and Leorio and then I could let the story go for a bit until I find a way to talk to Ging, and find a way to understand all the thing about the dimension swapping and all that.

Yeah, this is a good plan...

I looked around some more in the house, searching everything that I could have needed for the Exam or everything that will come, and I found some knives, chocolate(best weapon against a certain white-haired boy) and other tools like a Swiss knife that had even a light.


After my search in the house I managed to get into a city and find out I was not very far from Killua's home, so I just needed to take the bus, which I did, when I reached the doors, I stared in awe.

"I wanted so bad to see them in real life... and now I'm finally here"
-Miss? The bus is starting to go!-

What? Already??

-I'm really sorry, but I will stay here!-

The woman looked at me very surprised, and then she said to the bus driver to go, while I looked at the big gates.

Maybe if I ask Zebro-san he will surely know if Killua is still home... but how do I put that?? I can't just say "hello, is killua at home? I need him to escape for taking the hunter exam, make friends and never come back." Well, I should at least give a try, right?

-Hey, little girl, did you forget something??-

I turned to Zebro, the one who called me, and trying to give the best smile I asked him about Killua:

-Excuse me for disturbing you, but do you happen to know if Killua-san is at home?- as expected, his look was suspicious but curious, then I saw something change in his eyes and then he looked at me with kindness:-Yes,he is, [Surname]-Sama.- my eyes widened:-How...-

-Welcome back, [Surname]-sama!-

how does he know my name??

-let's get in...- and he pointed to the test door, I looked dumbfounded, but the same I walked to the door, placing my palms on the cold stone, and then I pushed.

Killua x reader: Fear and BravenessWhere stories live. Discover now