Conceal x Leash x Out.

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I was waiting for the episode to load while listening to Ohayou, Hyori Ittai, Reason and all the other opening and ending of my favourite Anime: hunter x hunter.

I have seen the 1999 version, the 2011 version, I've read the Manga, watched the films, endless times of loving every adventure, memorizing every quote and staring at every scene with amazement and eagerness to feel the same things the main characters felt.

I loved it.

Some of my friends said that I was too addicted to that only show, that i needed to get my feet on the ground more, but I always said that I was better this way.

Oh, the episode loaded!

-"Nanika, could you ever forgive this bad big brother?"- I looked at the screen with glistening eyes, it was one of my favourite episodes of all, it was just so full of feelings...

-[Name] COME HERE IMMEDIATELY!- I heard my dad screaming from downstairs: what a pain.

I stopped the episode and walked down the stairs, listening to my father's speech about being a nerd and never going out like normal person, resulting to not have a perfect baby skin like that barbie of my sister Lalah, that now was at dancing lessons, while in a hour I would have had mixed martial arts lessons, since at school people call me names from when I can remember, I figured out I needed to have some self-defense techniques, and that helped me improve my stamina and strength a lot, but also my point of view changed and from a cold revenge seeker, I became a strong-willed respectful 12 years old.

-Why can't you be more like your sister? You really are an ungrateful baby!-

-I'm no longer a child, dad.- I said coldly, thinking that if I kept my gaze up on him I would have resulted like I was in my "Killer-Mode", but all that I obtained was a slap on my cheek.
-USE SOME RESPECT!!-He screamed in my face, I managed to keep cool again:"Keep cold, Remember the pain, and use it to power up your Nen when the time will come" I tough, concealing the pain.

-DAAAD! SISTER!! I'm home!- I heard Lalah voice while she was entering, but when I turned to look at her, I saw in horror that she had her two friends with her: Odette and Bridgette.

She and the duo were the one I trained to escape to, so I tried to use the shadow step to get away from the nasty situation, but I obviously failed as dad took my arm and I couldn't escape further:-Lalah, Welcome Home!-He said happily to my sister, making me annoyed at his moody attitude.

-You and your friends can go upstairs, while [Name] will make you tea, right,[Name]?- I cringed:-But dad, I have lesson soon...-

-Go make tea to your sister and her friends, (y/n).-He had a death stare, while Lalah and the bitches looked at me with a evil smirk:"Conceal, let the rage grow inside, think about how your Nen will be strong if you do it..."-Yes, father.-

-...And then Kole said that I was just being childish and I shouldn't have said to Patty that she was a bag of fat just because she was asking him homework: But don't he knows that it was just the first step for taking him away from me?-I listened to my sister problem as she talked to her girly girls, complaining about his latest boyfriend: Kole.

I knew him, he was fairly nice and honest person, it was really a pain that he was my sister man, or else I would have liked him as a friend.-And Your sister, Lalah? She is still about that... What was his name?-


I heard Bridgette completing Odette's phrase.My sister seemed deep in thought for a moment and then she answered:-Yes, that was it's name. Tsk, she doesn't even have a proper taste in boys.-

She used "IT"?

I looked at my hand, closed with my nails digging in the flesh, then I took the three cups and faking a smile I entered:-Here is your tea...-
-Oh [Name] we were just talking about you and that... Killua?-I heard Odette calling me, i tried to not even turn towards her stupid face:-Are you still dreaming about that stupid fictional thing? You really are a child [Name].- Lalah said, I tried to not show any reaction: "conceal, conceal..."-What do still Dad see in you, you are just a nerd childish baby, you should start to live a bit and stop caring about that non-existent crap that you watch, it will never get you anything. And please, stop making me see that ugly character that you like, it's hideous.- I snapped, trowing a punch on Lalah's face, breaking her nose and making it bloody. Dad rushed to her, screaming at me. I ran away, hopping to my room, where I closed myself. I took my laptop, some clothes and some other belongings putting them in a bag, then I went out from home, full of pain and rage.

How did she dare to talk about him in such a way?

As i was saying before dad interrupted me, I loved that scene I was watching from Hunter x Hunter, even if I cried every time, it was just so full of feelings that I wasn't able to not watch the show.

And after watching for so long the anime and growing so close to the characters, i fell in love with the young assassin, and that was my weakest point.


Author note~

Ciao minna! Is Wookie here, and I wanted to say that I'm tankful for all the readers I had, so if I can I will update sooner than excepted.

The picture up there was edited by me, and maybe it will be the next cover, what do you think? Is that good?

PS: this was grammar edited thanks to @HiddenFandoms!

See you soon, with love WookieTheBeater♥

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